BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
firstly I need a cheese, livers and psycho cut. My mate has lost all bar the psycho and each time I ask him for a cut he seems to be losing more and more, he's just keeping his eye on the prize. so i think it best if i get my stable back in order. can you help on any Osc?


Well-Known Member
Hey lads hope all is well been busy with family n landscaping that's why I ain't been in here
I haven't forgot about ur cut westy still got the diesel n psychosis n plemon on the go with loads of others shout me if u need anything mate il be back online for a while :)


Well-Known Member
Hey lads hope all is well been busy with family n landscaping that's why I ain't been in here
I haven't forgot about ur cut westy still got the diesel n psychosis n plemon on the go with loads of others shout me if u need anything mate il be back online for a while :)
Good to see ya lad. Hope the landscaping is going well.


Well-Known Member
Any1 grown any hazes? Been 8 years in the growing game n ain't grown a haze yet been searching for seeds for a few months now n still no idea wot to get any ideas boys?


Well-Known Member
Good to see ya lad. Hope the landscaping is going well.
It's going really well fully booked for the rest of the year with contracts in the pipeline for the new year! Busy but u can't beat working for yourself!
How u been Dst? Still breeding? Is there a cup this year in dam mate?


Well-Known Member
All good lad, just waiting on my second boy arriving so yeh, still busy breeding, lol....still busy having fun with Breeders Boutique as well. And yer right, nothing like working for yourself. Couldn't stand the thought of being someones employee!!! Glad its all going well.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hey lads hope all is well been busy with family n landscaping that's why I ain't been in here
I haven't forgot about ur cut westy still got the diesel n psychosis n plemon on the go with loads of others shout me if u need anything mate il be back online for a while :)
ME me ME haha that deisel was fierce. how you like the plemon?