Open Show and Tell 2015!

*Pic of the Day* - @doublejj
A few weeks since last posted and I was away all weekend so I took some shots after work today.

I think I will need to stake some of them and buy some kind of magnifier. I read the harvesting stickys but since this is a first time any idea on how many more weeks before I start looking at them with a magnifier? Potted ones I can move inside.

23 good tops.


Seven massive tops.


And some small potted ones. Still doing okay but the in ground are doing much better.

Been Away for a week..
Just got home... Noticed the dew is getting pretty bad in the mornings( meaning frost isnt too far behind here ). I decided gonna tarp Loretta in for the duration of her stay with us.
I had to build a wooden walkway behind her because the goats live behind there.. I never grew a plant this big before,(biggest one I grew up to this year was like the one next to her in the pics),so goats couldn't reach it.. this year they are very interested... It be a shame to have lamb of "bert" with my bud.. but he seems quite happy for any scraps
(He already looks high) fuker!! ;)
When I got home ...also noticed a small bit on pm on a few lower branches.(just the fan leaves tho).so I removed them,and the popcorns that were near it(samples) .Extra word of advice for anyone thats a veggie gardener too... I learned if u plant a small cucubit plant( cucs/zuchinni/squash etc) nearby.. it a a pre-indicator of pm( they will always catch it first,,like a canary in a coal mine)..alret you to pretreat.. I did this year and was thankful I did..
I must say.. If it wasnt for being a "creeper" on RIU (not much of a conversationalist,but very much interested to learn) ..and reading and reading and reading and.. u get the pic (my addddd) I definelty would never have gotten this far in just my third summer at it.
I have also decided to add my DIY solar heater and a black barrel full of water to use as a radiator so to speak during the night.
(made it outta pop cans and scrap wood/glass).Hoping the next few weeks will not be as stressfull as last year when rain season started.
THANKS to all you's I may not have contributed much idea wise( yet) but I've learned a boat load ..of wut to do and NOT to do . When in doubt..I most definetly will turn to u fine folks thnsk again !


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Excessive rainfall, flash flooding possible across Desert Southwest
Excessive rainfall is expected across the Desert Southwest through Tuesday morning as the remnants of Tropical Depression Sixteen-E continues to move inland. Forecast rainfall amounts of 1 to 3 inches will be common across much of Arizona, New Mexico and southern California, with isolated higher amounts possible. Flash flooding is possible across the region.
Excessive rainfall, flash flooding possible across Desert Southwest
Excessive rainfall is expected across the Desert Southwest through Tuesday morning as the remnants of Tropical Depression Sixteen-E continues to move inland. Forecast rainfall amounts of 1 to 3 inches will be common across much of Arizona, New Mexico and southern California, with isolated higher amounts possible. Flash flooding is possible across the region.
Its day 2 of the skies like this. No rain so far though in the hills of SD county.
Crazy the difference this year in Midwest weather. Look at this awesome weather with low humidity through first week of Croptober. Hate to go on and on about it, but this is not the norm. The jet stream is north of just about the entire country, but generally it's just the west coast below it, with a Midwest dip which puts just about everybody east of the Rockies and north of the Deep South in for active weather. The dip's position usually all but ensures the Ohio Valley will be smack dab in the path of one disturbance/storm track after another by mid September, but not so this year and now a couple of the really good local meteorologists are calling for much the same for the first half of Croptober. I wish I'd went big outdoors now this year, but I have grown sick over the years of risking my ass for a pile of moldy buds.
All the 14-21 day models I've found are identical.