Well-Known Member
Piracy is illegal in the U.S. Too downloading and seeding....just cause you say something dosent make it true
Again, ChesusRice and I live in different countries.Piracy is illegal in the U.S. Too downloading and seeding....just cause you say something dosent make it true
NO placeWhere do you live that has a piracy law that says it ok to download but not seed?
So if the only options for your familys survival was either stealing or killing
Would you do it?
You're literally the most stupid person here, the rest of us might not always agree but you're just plain dumb.
Well done at being so dumb you united right and left to slate you.
I actually respect those people more than people who try rationalise it with bullshit like "Walmart are evil".
Nobody in America has starved for lack of food in the last century. Kids have starved to death because their parents were too drugged up to feed them but that isnt a resource issue. We have soup kitchens, food stamps, welfare, etc. When that runs out there are private food donation charities. NOBODY who is willing to get up off their ass has to starve in America.
When are we going to start holding people responsible for their own actions?
I know, corporations that sell pills for the flu but you end up with snapped tendons.
Don't like it, sue them, but sue befor you spend your savings trying to keep your house.
Fuuking FDA
I'll buy from a drug approved by the FDA long before I buy from a health food store who sells products not regulated. Fraud runs deep as well in that industry with false claims of amount of the active ingredient, that some herbs from China may be tainted with herbicides and in some cases it has been reported that "Dr. Jack's Potency Pills" contained nothing more than rice powder. The health food industry is just like the cannabis industry - targeting and preying on thousands of sucker bets.
I am not against groups like the FDA. I like Underwriter's Laboratories and what they do. I dont believe they are a government institution though. My problem with the FDA is that their approval process is not necessarily based on strictly what is good for the people and that they have immunity from any mistakes they make.
Stealing and letting your family starve are both wrong. Failure with excuse is still failure.
Sell foodstamps for 50% of their value, buy liquor and smokes, cry that your family is starving.There's no excuse. Shit you can donate plasma for cash on the spot. One "donation" is enough to feed a family for a week. Unless of course you go buy frozen pizzas and hot pockets. Bread eggs milk rice beans... All cheap. No excuse.