Never needed this much help in my life..


Well-Known Member
I'm not quite done with the construction of my setup, but the red area will be completed walls, the green wall will be a light-proof barrier of some sort to separate the two different rooms (not sure yet), and the open areas will be doors which latch and lock. Each room will be a just under 4'x4' with a height of 6'3".


I live up north where the winters are rough and the cold is an issue. I need to vent air so I was thinking about attaching some ducting and get an in-line fan to exhaust my air outside. Would that leave my rooms at a negative air pressure then since I'm only exhausting air out and not taking any air in? Also, would mean it that it would smell real dank outside, because that's not always a good idea.. would a carbon filter fix this issue? Would making my own be just as effective, or should I bite the bullet and purchase one? Are there pre-made vent kits that come with a carbon filter that are good and reasonably priced?

My setup is in the basement and it is extremely damp and there are bugs.. hoping to make my life easier with this solution. Planning on caulking the inside seams with a clear silicon to prevent unwanted bugs. I just need to figure out how to secure my doors properly to get some kind of gasket to prevent bugs that way. However, since my basement is so damp and nasty should I really pull that nasty stagnate air into my rooms?

Another huge barrier I'm having is figuring out how to allow airflow between rooms when there will be a light-proof barrier there.. was thinking more plywood, lol. Suggestions? Getting the rest of the supplies in the morning to finish this with or without help.

One last thought, based off the material used in the picture.. should I paint the inside of that flat white, or get the 3mm white plastic and just staple that inside of the entire cabinet? Also, since the inside is going to be white.. does the use of mylar affect anything? I do have quite a bit of it just sitting around.. would adding it help with lighting and low temps in the winter?


Well-Known Member
flat white paint is awesome... u need an intake and exhaust... not sure about bringing ur air in..but my basement is damp and im fine , maybe a dehumidifier, carbon filter will clear the smell....not sure about the circulation between rooms i would have and intake to both and exhaust from one to the other and a nice big exhaust with carbon filter ...scratch that idea in veg u wont need a carbon filter so run its own intake exhaust system for each room... flower carbon filter, veg no filter


Well-Known Member
flat white paint is awesome... u need an intake and exhaust... not sure about bringing ur air in..but my basement is damp and im fine , maybe a dehumidifier, carbon filter will clear the smell....not sure about the circulation between rooms i would have and intake to both and exhaust from one to the other and a nice big exhaust with carbon filter ...scratch that idea in veg u wont need a carbon filter so run its own intake exhaust system for each room... flower carbon filter, veg no filter
I really wanted to avoid running a dehumidifier at the moment because they are expensive to operate for me, or at least the ones that I currently own. I still haven't figured anything about the circulation between rooms though. Heat will not be an issue.


Well-Known Member
not sure why u need circulation between the to rooms if ones flower ones vegg as opposed to having seperate ventilation for each.... .. last thing u want in flower is a light leak , that will ruin a crop for sure


Well-Known Member
not sure why u need circulation between the to rooms if ones flower ones vegg as opposed to having seperate ventilation for each.... .. last thing u want in flower is a light leak , that will ruin a crop for sure
Having separate ventilation will cost additional money and require more effort. I'm putting the light-proof barrier up and I could easily cut out a hole for any kind of ducting to be ran between rooms. My friend is coming over in an hour to pick me up to go to the store to finish this and I'm not ready.. lol I suppose we're just going to wing it.


Well-Known Member
i ment from light thru the fan , unless ur using the tubing. even the light on a power supply plug is to much ive heard horror stories from it.... good luck bud upload pics when ur done....


Well-Known Member
It wont be that damp come winter. Also if you have a chimney vent it out that. If your in an illegal state I would suggest not venting it directly outside cause of the heat signature, unless you have some sort of cover like a dryer vent or a chimney. Definitely need a crabon filter. Amazon sell combos for good prices. You could bring n cold air from outside and then vent back into the basement. Free heat for the winter, or your attic if its possible to vent into. Dont worry about regular household bugs the majority wont do shit to your plants, most of them will eat the bugs that eat your plants. I bug bomb my basement twice a year with Raid, it kills for 6 months after. Easy peasy good luck