Does anyone actually believe Ahmed built the clock himself?

And if you told them that a green and blue kid with purple spots from Main st. built it, wouldn`t matter.
But he didnt do that... He just took it apart. And since he didnt separate anything even that is debatable...

The fact that you are all agog over this simple act speaks volumes about how low the bar you have set for education is. The kid didnt cure cancer, he took the cover off a clock and stuffed the guts in a suitcase FFS...

And that is what fucking shocks me about his trip to the white house and free school for the rest of his life. Yeah he deserves an apology, MAYBE someone needs to get talked to about the situation so they handle it better next time but really this kid is no fucking hero.
And if you told them that a green and blue kid with purple spots from Main st. built it, wouldn`t matter.

Looks like a fuckin bomb to me, I would be nervous no matter what color the person was. I would be doubly nervous if it was a law enforcement agency.
But he didnt do that... He just took it apart. And since he didnt separate anything even that is debatable...

The fact that you are all agog over this simple act speaks volumes about how low the bar you have set for education is. The kid didnt cure cancer, he took the cover off a clock and stuffed the guts in a suitcase FFS...
You can't have it both ways, either it was impressive enough to look like a bomb, resulting in national headlines, or it was immature and childish enough to not be innovative.. So which is it, dummy?

Pretty clearly the former, otherwise we wouldn't be talking about it...

If this was little Timmy Wilson we were talking about, the dipshit Texan who just watched Die Hard With a Vengeance wouldn't have called the cops and called in a bomb threat. That's the point. Your party is filled with racists and it's come to light ever since Obama was elected president. Highlighted by rampant police abuse and demands for birth certificates.

You want to sit there and act like racism in America doesn't exist.

Got news for ya bud..
If you went.. "Jay Walking" ..with this, 6 out of ten people would call this a suitcase bomb using an old alarm clock for a timer.View attachment 3503817
This is where being not dumb pays off..

What would you identify as the "explosive" part of this here "bomb", exactly?

I see some wires, a circuit board, something that looks like a thin piece of cardboard that couldn't hold an inch of space behind it, and an LED.. so where's the C4? The TNT or the Nitro Glycerine? What is it that you stupidly mistake for a bomb in this photograph?
Now if that was a fish tank, people would still think that something was fishy.
i knew a young man who built a bong into his automobile dashboard. he was a hero.

seriously, he at least merited free space camp for life.

That`s really not a bad idea ,...specially as a seat hanger for the back.
This is where being not dumb pays off..

What would you identify as the "explosive" part of this here "bomb", exactly?

I see some wires, a circuit board, something that looks like a thin piece of cardboard that couldn't hold an inch of space behind it, and an LED.. so where's the C4? The TNT or the Nitro Glycerine? What is it that you stupidly mistake for a bomb in this photograph?

Uhm,....the part they didn`t put in yet ,.....scholar..................Did you ever once think,.. I would say,... "look at this bomb", if it were complete ?
This is where being not dumb pays off..

What would you identify as the "explosive" part of this here "bomb", exactly?

I see some wires, a circuit board, something that looks like a thin piece of cardboard that couldn't hold an inch of space behind it, and an LED.. so where's the C4? The TNT or the Nitro Glycerine? What is it that you stupidly mistake for a bomb in this photograph?
As pedestrians, how do we know the case isn't made out of explosive banana peels? I'd send that fk'n thing straight to the principals office.
Are you saying they took the part out that looked like the explosives for this pic?

No, not at all. I don`t think people would expect to ... "Jay Walk"... with a complete bomb.

Paddy, ... take a suitcase, rig it with pizza doe and a old alarm clock, (for you, a wind up) and go put it in class and say it goes off at Ten. Nobody will be standing there at ten but you..........

I think mommy should have been called to the school by the principle to determine the next move if that principle was incapable of pulling the kid aside and say`n,..." look kid, ya scared the shit outta class",..... and sent him back to class.
No, not at all. I don`t think people would expect to ... "Jay Walk"... with a complete bomb.

Paddy, ... take a suitcase, rig it with pizza doe and a old alarm clock, (for you, a wind up) and go put it in class and say it goes off at Ten. Nobody will be standing there at ten but you..........

I think mommy should have been called to the school by the principle to determine the next move if that principle was incapable of pulling the kid aside and say`n,..." look kid, ya scared the shit outta class",..... and sent him back to class.
You have caught the dumb

Stop trying to infect other people
i fully believe he built it, i fully also believe he was just being a kid who was proud of something he made with his own intelligence and that he wanted to show his teacher...
sadly people had to make it into a big issue...

they surely never believed it was a bomb....if they really did the bomb squad wouldve been called the school would have been evacuated just like proper protocall
they shamed this child and made him out to feel seriously fucking shitty about himself.

i guess the silver lining is now this kid gets to go to nasa, and hangout with astronauts, have scholarships given to him, and internships, as well as the president offering him to go to white house.

the child has been stated saying "hes moving schools and he doesnt care which one"

that kid was no damn threat..

the reason this turned into such a big deal is because due to fear mongering since 9/11 with how everyone whos brown is a goddamn terrorist and they are making everyone else in american turn into muslim ways.. the teacher and the principal sadly are victims of that stupid fear mongering who clearly fully believe it...maybe they need to go to some cultural sensitivity training , and stop being islamophobic because the big bad fox news told them terrorism is at a level red alert and the brown people ARE COMING FOR YOU
How you going to stop the hate?
This is the shut uncle Ben and others post here

I get accused by racists And bigots of calling everything racist. I'm not. I'm pointing it out.
How you going to stop the hate?
This is the shut uncle Ben and others post here

I get accused by racists And bigots of calling everything racist. I'm not. I'm pointing it out.

I am just not 100% sure that it is complete racism and just people didn't handle the situation correctly. It isn't every day someone walks in with a suitcase full of wires but yet everyone acts like this kind of shit happens all the time so it has to be racism.

I am not saying it doesn't have a racist twist to it but I for sure don't agree with you hard ballers lining the stance that the whole thing is just a racist day in texas to rile up some shit.

Doesn't make sense.
I am just not 100% sure that it is complete racism and just people didn't handle the situation correctly. It isn't every day someone walks in with a suitcase full of wires but yet everyone acts like this kind of shit happens all the time so it has to be racism.

I am not saying it doesn't have a racist twist to it but I for sure don't agree with you hard ballers lining the stance that the whole thing is just a racist day in texas to rile up some shit.

Doesn't make sense.
Ahmed didn't handle it correctly.
He was arrested on making a bomb hoax.
And He didn't invent anything.
He it's getting headlines because of his name and skin color