Election 2015

So m listening to Elizabeth speak about university education, student loans and the disconnect within that system...I heard Justin speaking earlier...he's not doing that sing song thing as much anymore...does anyone else see this long campaign backfiring on Haprtler? These guys-Elizabeth, Justin and Thomas all get more polished as we go along...am I the only one seeing this? And Elizabeth tweeting the debate tomorrow is classic!
Yeah I liked how she mentioned the tweets and how the MPs should be able to read legislation. ... didn't like how CBC cut her off while she answered questions. .... they don't do it to any other party
Hahaha I would laugh my ass off if the greens win
Yeah I liked how she mentioned the tweets and how the MPs should be able to read legislation. ... didn't like how CBC cut her off while she answered questions. .... they don't do it to any other party
Hahaha I would laugh my ass off if the greens win
Is there any polls out showing the greens picking up a seat or in a close race in any ridings?
The thing is really.... what party isn't going to do the status quo .... because isn't that system broken??? Only works for corporations and the very well off

Everyone else struggles. .... we have plenty in our great country .... I think we can do better
Federal Election Could Speed Up Cannabis Industry Growth: Experts
CP | By Alexandra Posadzki, The Canadian Pres
Posted: 09/13/2015 1:10 pm EDT Updated: 09/17/2015 1:59 pm EDT

TORONTO — Medical marijuana producers are bracing for the possibility that Canadians could elect a new government this fall — a change that could accelerate the already breakneck pace of growth in the burgeoning industry and usher in new players such as tobacco companies and pharmacy chains.

"This whole election's very interesting," said Bruce Linton, the CEO and chairman of Tweed Marijuana Inc. (TSXV:TWD). "When you have a business that has the potential to see quite a lot of acceleration because of outcomes, you watch it more carefully."

Marijuana became a hot-button issue in the election campaign on Thursday, when Joy Davies, a Liberal candidate in British Columbia, pulled out of the race because of posts she had made on Facebook about marijuana.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau distanced himself from Davies when asked about her posts, which included claims that marijuana can cure skin cancer and a link to an academic study suggesting pot decreases domestic violence.

Trudeau has long promised to legalize and regulate marijuana if elected, while NDP leader Tom Mulcair has said his party would decriminalize the drug immediately upon forming government.

Khurram Malik, an analyst at Jacob Securities, says the election of either the Liberals or the NDP could lead to less red tape for licensed medical marijuana producers.

"We have the most anti-weed party in power right now," Malik said. "Any other party that wins is a lot more friendly to marijuana than this one, so things will get done a little more efficiently and openly, so people can actually plan their businesses in a more reasonable and logical manner."

The introduction of a recreational marijuana program could bring new players such as tobacco and liquor companies into the market, Malik added. Currently the industry is too small for the giants to bother with, he said.

"Big tobacco never comes in and starts from scratch," said Malik. "They always buy something, and then build it into something bigger."

Michael Haines, the CEO of Mettrum Health Corp. (TSXV:MT), says the creation of a recreational program — similar to those that exist in Colorado and Washington state in the U.S. — could create a dual system. While the medical program would likely continue to be federally regulated, recreational programs may be regulated at the provincial level, similar to alcohol.

However, a recreational marijuana program — similar to those that exist in Colorado and Washington state in the U.S. — would take at least a year or two to implement, said Malik.

"It's a complicated program to set up, and then they've got to figure out how to capture taxes from it, which is not an easy thing to do."

A changing of the guard in Ottawa could also result in new distribution rules. Currently, federal rules only allow licensed cannabis producers to distribute product to customers via mail — a process that can be confusing for patients, who are more accustomed to picking up their drugs in person at pharmacies.

Adding to the confusion is the proliferation of medical marijuana dispensaries in some parts of the country.

Some local authorities have turned a blind eye to the dispensaries and the City of Vancouver has moved to license them, providing some legitimacy to the shops. But Health Canada has called the dispensaries illegal and threatened an RCMP crackdown if they don't close up shop.

"Before any government would want to look at any potential changes, that's one of the issues they would need to address before moving forward," said Greg Engel, the chief executive of B.C.-based Tilray.

Haines says he isn't holding his breath waiting for the end of the marijuana prohibition era.

"We didn't get into this business hoping that it turns into a recreational market," said Haines, noting that Mettrum already has a "thriving business" within the medical sphere.

"That said, if that were to ever happen, we would be exceptionally well-positioned," he added.
I like the lie Haines said at the end "we didn't get into this business hopeing IT turned into a recreational market" MY ASS you slimy pricks didn't. Then this assclown says if that were to happen we would be in a good position. People like these greasy lp CEOs make me feel sick to my stomach.... :spew:
I like the lie Haines said at the end "we didn't get into this business hopeing IT turned into a recreational market" MY ASS you slimy pricks didn't. Then this assclown says if that were to happen we would be in a good position. People like these greasy lp CEOs make me feel sick to my stomach.... :spew:
Not really. he made it clear his plan to build the company until legalization then sell out to big tobacco. That's what I though the whole time nice to have the words just happen to fall out of his mouth. See sheeple decriminalize is the way to go. Fuck the green rush all things considered take away the penaltys surrounding producing and selling it and let the market figure itself out.
That's all exactly what I've been saying.

Back scratching legalization, I really don't care though because either way I won't have to pay, will smoke what I want and don't care about a market or value as long as I won't go to jail over a plant or a bag of weed.
got my voting kit in the mail the other day. My ballot goes into an inner security envelope, which goes into another envelope with my barcode on it, that I date and sign, and slip into an outer mailing envelope which needs to be in Ottawa by election day
got my voting kit in the mail the other day. My ballot goes into an inner security envelope, which goes into another envelope with my barcode on it, that I date and sign, and slip into an outer mailing envelope which needs to be in Ottawa by election day

All about security c ray...lol...
I checked Elections Canada website yesterday to find out where I vote and it says "polling station locations coming soon" or some shit. WTF? we are one month away, or in my case 23 days till the advance poll. I wonder if it's part of Steve's Unfair Elections Act... It'd be kinda nice to know where to vote before the polls close.

yeah - I checked too and the info about polling stations here is all kinda hazey so I've decided to apply for a mail in voting kit to make it easy because I'm not sure I'll be around here come election day.