Would you reject a girl of she stunk/smelt so bad?

You use these opportunities to voice your opinion and say fuck you uncle buck. Then you play stupid music like this and people like your post. kinda gay huh?

I dream of a day when the weed can be free. Until then I'll keep it caged. View attachment 3501643
Lmao yeah but its super fun too. Lol poor weed, I keep mine locked in the closet, only feed them once a week. I also cut them lil bitches, just so they know who's boss, then I bend em over. Lmao!
another fellow brother trying to get away from a rotten croch!!!And the girls are like dam that pussy must stink!!!!
I mean if she looked bad ass and I was drunk id hit some stanky pussy. But if shes just a 6 or a 7 I'm str8. Also depends on the amount of pussy you are able to get. If you are on a bad luck streak you may want to dip in and just shower after?
i been thier finner than a mother fucker body banging like a godess but man once the pussy smells like death you wont be able to breath man i pass if you dont get pussy than it might be a blessing but ill pass once you beet it up enough you'll start to turn down the pussy from others or you'll have a shit load of problems and cyco chicks and kids like those that are in the middle east
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but if she smells good like good pussy its great the crazzy chicks aint house wifes but dam they shure make your fucken toe nail curl and pop.. best extream nut busting girls were the wild ones the ones that just aint stable in the head but dam drag your ass under loose your brain over it..
retard pussy never had it i have had wild crazzy drunk chicks, speed freeks, and down right horny chicks that love to fuck but retard i wouldnt want that.. if you were young and in the sceene it was left over in abundance just skip the stanky nany cuz theres more out thier,, why do the stanky when you could do the DANKIE DANK!!! lolz
OK well it just depends on how it was if she just gotten off her God gaven gift sometimes that just hapens, but if she got a smell like gag umm blue waffle, shit I experience it once wit a chick, it was hot but didn't turn me gay :-) lol but really I mean a woman at time it just happens, but if it's fishey leave it along
What's up mainliner aka stinkyjoe
Yes garlic makes me smell like garlic. No joke.

I didn't disagree with what you said. I'm saying with good health, good diet, and a daily bath you won't stink.

All I said is diet is part of body odor. Just google it. Page after page of articles stating that.

We both are saying the same thing.

You're taking like I mean you can eat healthy and never wash your ass and it not stink. I never said that.

No. If a person smells like that it is their diet. I eat clean fresh produce. I don't eat processed food. I don't even have to wear deodorant. If I eat a lot of processed food I start to stink.

You said that diet is the reason for the stink, not a part of it. It may play a part in it, but it is not the reason for the BO.
I never said you do not have to wash your smelly ass.
You said that diet is the reason for the stink, not a part of it. It may play a part in it, but it is not the reason for the BO.
I never said you do not have to wash your smelly ass.
You get what I mean. Without junk food, processed food, garlic and things of that nature you won't smell as bad.

Trust me. If you are stinking bad look at your diet. Red meat is bad for causing it.

I get what your saying. I know bo is from bacteria. I also know from personal experience that a clan diet will make you smell better.
You get what I mean. Without junk food, processed food, garlic and things of that nature you won't smell as bad.

Trust me. If you are stinking bad look at your diet. Red meat is bad for causing it.

I get what your saying. I know bo is from bacteria. I also know from personal experience that a clan diet will make you smell better.
whats a clan diet?