Conspiracy Seeds
No breeders have heard of us I'm just a man on a mission, take it how you want I'm not going to beg for sales they will Come in time were already getting quite a few, just got to wait for more yet, I haven't adjust the Gage greens yet we have hardly any yet, waiting for the supplier. To. Let us know. When it's there, I suggest buying a small pack of 3 say of DINAFEM by contacting me personally, then would be happy to deal with you, and when you get it, then stop your moaning, or. Don't. Continue to be paranoid soon enough word will come out were legit and here for. The long haul, and we have all of. You in mind when we're are pricing up you know, jesus I have never seen so much skepticism, it's almost as. Much as when I did work on extra terrestials and mind control etc, anyway whatever guys we got. The cheapest around, stay safe, Live More, Smoke More, Pay Less