how to grow mushrooms the easy way

You can also google shroom sgfc. I use black leftover microwave tv dinner pans for the sub and case when fruiting. You can also make a cheap still air box with a medium to large sized tote box. This way you can het multi-practice, and see what type of style that you may be comfortable with. Think about it. And get yourself a cfl if you don't already have one. I use a 6500k "daylight deluxe". Around $8 or $9 for a 4 pack. Use the light 12/12 on/off from the first day of fruiting.
I am currently doing this threads method and a sgfc at the same time.
Good luck.
OK just a couple of questions. By still air box you mean a tote that I put the jars in instead of putting freezer bags over them right? How often do I have to take the top off and for how long to let them breathe? Thanks for the cfl suggestion I will definitely do that. Do you think a 23w cfl will be good enough for a whole tote full of jars or no? Sorry if one or more are answered by looking up shrooms sgfc I'm gonna look that up right now lol
Ok so the fruiting chamber should have many holes for air and you wave it 2-3 times a day for 20 or 30 seconds. And do you think I would be better off popping them out of the jar and letting the full cake grow? Sorry sorry I know I have some experimenting to do its just you could seriously save me some time with your experience and let me know what you suggest.
Ok so the fruiting chamber should have many holes for air and you wave it 2-3 times a day for 20 or 30 seconds. And do you think I would be better off popping them out of the jar and letting the full cake grow? Sorry sorry I know I have some experimenting to do its just you could seriously save me some time with your experience and let me know what you suggest.

S.A. box (aka glove box) is for innoculation or cleaner, low air flow work. You can case your popcorn. I wrote it in my post. If cakes. Use an sgfc, pftek style fruiting. Google all this stuff im writing.
S.A. box (aka glove box) is for innoculation or cleaner, low air flow work. You can case your popcorn. I wrote it in my post. If cakes. Use an sgfc, pftek style fruiting. Google all this stuff im writing.
OK both S.A. box and glove box don't produce the correct result when googling. Can you explain what you mean. Is it as simple as a covered tote
S.A. box (aka glove box) is for innoculation or cleaner, low air flow work. You can case your popcorn. I wrote it in my post. If cakes. Use an sgfc, pftek style fruiting. Google all this stuff im writing.
OK I googled S.A. box mushrooms and I couldn't find any information. Can you please explain what that is. I don't want to take any more of your time than necessary is there anywhere you can direct me to to find this info myself.
OK both S.A. box and glove box don't produce the correct result when googling. Can you explain what you mean. Is it as simple as a covered tote

OK I googled S.A. box mushrooms and I couldn't find any information. Can you please explain what that is. I don't want to take any more of your time than necessary is there anywhere you can direct me to to find this info myself.

Dude. Google "easy glove box". Click the google images link under the input box. Tons of pictures.
Don't get ahead of yourself. This method does not need a glove box and it should not have a fruiting chamber, or fanning.

You cannot take the "cakes", (an absolute misnomer) out because of the hips on the jar, NOR WOULD YOU WANT TO.

My suggestion is not to hybredize this method untill you get a grow or two under your belt and understand what you are doing. If you have to ask about these things, you probably should wait.
Dude. Google "easy glove box". Click the google images link under the input box. Tons of pictures.
Alright thanks for the help bro, looks like I have more research to do before I get into the more advanced methods, I think I'll heed canndos advice and stick to the simple method my first couple of grows.
Alright thanks for the help bro, looks like I have more research to do before I get into the more advanced methods, I think I'll heed canndos advice and stick to the simple method my first couple of grows.

Just trying to put you onto more info. Different options. While it is true that a glove box is unnecessary for this tek. It could still come in handy. Espescially if you don't have smooth movements. Besides. $7 for a tote $1 for a bottle of alchohol. Also. This method is a good one. It may not be ideal for everyone's grow area/environment. I in particular am more comfortable with a seperate chamber. Namely a low tek sgfc. My first grow was with a chamber for cases. Also low tek. With a decent yield. But, as I stated in my earlier posts. I am currently doing both. Just throwing out some options. If your at all like myself. Then you probably have at least a dozen jars already knocked up and running.
Good luck.
It's been 20 days since inoculation, No signs of contams, had a great start out of the gate with kernels splitting and turning white.
shook after 3 days, then again at 9 days.
Day 11, I cleaned room and did a CO2 dump to get some air in there.
Now the progress seems to have STOPPED!

What did I do wrong?20 days.jpg
First, you didn't use quart jars.

Remember this is about oxygen, there is not enough in there.

But I don't see any evidence of growth at all. If it takes more than six days at seventy five or above it didn't work, check the viability of your spores or you inoculated too hot.
Thanks canndo. I think I may have jumped the gun too soon after PC.
I have another couple of syringes so I'll break it all down and try again at a slower pace.
Can I not use these Pint jars at all?
OK just a couple of questions. By still air box you mean a tote that I put the jars in instead of putting freezer bags over them right? How often do I have to take the top off and for how long to let them breathe? Thanks for the cfl suggestion I will definitely do that. Do you think a 23w cfl will be good enough for a whole tote full of jars or no? Sorry if one or more are answered by looking up shrooms sgfc I'm gonna look that up right now lol

The point of this tek is modularity. There is no fruiting chamber for this reason. Natural air flow through the baggie keeps you from having to fan fresh air and you need not worry about the.
Thanks canndo. I think I may have jumped the gun too soon after PC.
I have another couple of syringes so I'll break it all down and try again at a slower pace.
Can I not use these Pint jars at all?

You can use the corn in the jars again if there is no contamination but you will run short of oxygen. It might work.

To all, please don't try to revise this method. I worked on it for several years ( near 40 years ago).

Ask those who have worked it. After a few times then you will understand how it works and then do things as you see fit.
I fucked up and used pint jars (just used to metric I guess) and growth has definitely been slower than anticipated, but still coming. I've needed to do a few more air exchanges as well, due to less overall oxygen inside the jars, which obviously isn't ideal as it makes contamination more probable. That being said, 6 of my 11 jars look like they'll be ready for casing sometime this week!

Next time I'm definitely just gunna use quart jars, less hassle that way.
Remember, if the kernels are covered at all, even if they look grey or yellow w, a few hours of oxygen will cure it all and you don't risk contamination
So you're saying I should leave the jars open for a few hours to really liven up the mycelium?
Remember, if the kernels are covered at all, even if they look grey or yellow w, a few hours of oxygen will cure it all and you don't risk contamination
So you're saying I should leave the jars open for a few hours to really liven up the mycelium?
Now that this thread has gone everywhere :) I was just going to say excellent write up and mushroom guided for me. I've been shroomed so long, I've done it every way in every thing - this is how it started and a perfect message 4 me atm, because i really need to, but not up to the Martha's and shotguns and flow hood and frustration. You're absolutely right. I'm taking the jar route and the yield will be sufficient.
Good thread.