EJ Mix Ratio

Hey everyone, just wanted to share my recent success and follow up with @GrowinDad regarding the information he was kind enough to share with me about his technique.

I was very interested in GrowinDad's technique that he described earlier so I bought the same exact mixer he linked and some dropper bottles. I was very impressed with how well this method worked, however it was just a little messy as the high power of the mixer caused a little to overflow and leak down the side of the bottle. Even though it was a very small amount, I don't like losing precious liqweed. Also, I'm a little impatient when it comes to purging the ethanol used to to get the oil into the dropper bottle.

When shopping for equipment for making my liqweed, I decided to buy a little $30 ultrasonic cleaner to speed up the steeping of flavor concentrates when combined with my end product. After seeing how well it worked for this and other purposes, I figured it would probably work perfectly for homogenizing my liqweed. I decided to pop a gram of shatter, about 3ml of pg, and 5 drops of Ejmix (for good measure) into a glass 30ml wide mouth screwtop jar. I did not preheat anything, but merely just threw it all together. I then microwaved some distilled water to 140 degrees and poured it into the ultrasonic cleaner. I put the jar in the ultrasonic cleaner and ran it for 8 cycles of 8 minutes (figured an hour would be a good place to start). When I pulled it out, it was perfect. Completely dissolved and no sign of clumping, even after sitting a few days. And best of all, no mess at all.

I couldn't believe how well this worked. I figure this is about as “set it and forget it” as this process can be. I googled for quite a while in search of other's that have had the same success using this method. I only found a few short forum posts with almost no responses at all.

I urge everyone that is interested in making liqweed to try this out. I also believe the Ejmix I used might be unnecessary with this type of homogenization, so I might try another small batch without any Ejmix and see how long it holds.

Here is a link to the ultrasonic cleaner I bought: http://www.amazon.com/iSonic®-Digital-Ultrasonic-Cleaner-D3800A/dp/B004MBE6WQ

I am already upgrading to a nicer one that has a larger capacity, 30 minute timer, and built in heater. As a bonus, these cleaners can also be used to clean your atomizers.

If anyone tries this technique, please post your results!
So it just shook it until it was completely mixed? I have seen GreyWolf speak on that, but they used actual homogenizers. Looking forward to seeing How long it stays mixed!
Best results with non-decarboxylated QWET oil dissolved in Vapeur Extract. Smooth and flavorful. Non-decarboxylated is more flavorful and has more balanced effect than decarboxylated, but decarboxylated has great couch-lock, sleepy-time effect.

Sun0603, thanks for another product to try. Love nicotine.

Another failure with solvent transfer. 10 mls glycerin in 250 mls QWET (approx. one gram oil), reduced. At 25 mls, solution goes cloudy. Ethanol clears, but even at 30 mls glycerin, solution separates.

The more glycerin, the better. Qwertility, just put a sealed jar in the basket of the cleaner? What are you upgrading to?
So it just shook it until it was completely mixed? I have seen GreyWolf speak on that, but they used actual homogenizers. Looking forward to seeing How long it stays mixed!

The ultrasonic cleaner emits very high pitched sound waves that travel through the heated water which subtly but very effectively shakes the jar and its contents. Studying the contents of the jar during the UC's cycle I could clearly see everything vibrating very quickly. It's quite fascinating. 5 days now and still no separation. Very happy with the simplicity of this technique.

Qwertility, just put a sealed jar in the basket of the cleaner? What are you upgrading to?

Yes, I literally threw the bho, pg, and ej into a sealed jar and put it in the UC. Nothing was preheated or premixed. The UC that I am upgrading to is $90 instead of $30, but I feel the heater and longer cycle timer (30 minutes vs 8 minutes) will be worth it. Here is a link:
I'm 100% illiterate at extracting, but I have access to a high quality butane extract. It's more of a taffy consistency than a shatter, if that matters.
I recently took up vaping in an effort to quit cigarettes, and I'm now interested in making liquid to ease back on smoking.
Again, complete noob here, so the qwiso, qwet, etc lingo is lost on me. If anyone cared to explain or link to an explanation, that would be awesome.
My question is, with this starting material, would I be able to simply mix the material in this ultrasonic cleaner and voila, or would heating, using ethanol, etc be necessary?
Used the ultrasonic cleaning method to mix the solution, with heat it worked awesome! I got the cheap one but an added heater would have been nice..also longer cycles would be ideal. Not going to lie I butchered the first round as the globs of shatter where not dissolving as fast as I wanted so I may or may not have added far to much heat via microwave... It was smoking haha. Pretty sure I destroyed the potency of said batch, but it's all part of the learning curve for a child.

The batch I'm working on now has me destroyed on the couch, it was a very enjoyable experience for me. I've only used the vapeure mix and their flavors mixed with vg. I didn't want to cover up the NLxcritical taste but couldn't taste anything else so I may have nailed it with a honey mango flavor combination. Either way I'm making more oil tomorrow to make more juice the next day!
@crawlintbss @GrowinDad

Thanks for the insights guys. I will have some de-waxed bho work with here very shortly. I'm wondering if I can save some coin and just use USP PEG 400 instead of EJmix. Since I'm working with BHO I'm leaning towards @crawlintbss recipe of .5ml EJmix (or in my case PEG 400), 1ml PG, and 1 gram of bho.

Also @GrowinDad how does your ratio break down into weight? Since I'm working with BHO it's a little hard to measure volume.

Any thoughts on this? Your input is greatly appreciated.

outwezt (aka outwest on many other canna forums)
I honestly never weigh anything. I have read that 1g roughly = 1 ml but can't verify. And obviously moisture content would have a huge impact on that.

I tried out PEG400 once, but that was prior to trying the EJ Mix. It didn't seem to work as well from memory...
I honestly never weigh anything. I have read that 1g roughly = 1 ml but can't verify. And obviously moisture content would have a huge impact on that.

I tried out PEG400 once, but that was prior to trying the EJ Mix. It didn't seem to work as well from memory...

You could probably use the 400 but you'd probably have to do a ratio mix of 7-3 with some VG for it to work. On another note, I've discovered Mt. Baker. A beautiful little website with the best vape mixes I've seen. I'm going to try their unflavored 70-30 mix and start mixing it with some of their flavors and see how everything binds and try to eliminate using EJ. Was getting a bit of separation when I started playing around with adding extra PG/VG to get some volume. Last batch was a straight 50/50 mix using EJ with some Puff Majic Gummy Bear flavored blend and some Mt. Baker Berry Blast. I Gr of some nice Kosher Crumble, 25 drops EJ, 15 drops Puff Majic, 10 drops Mt. Baker Berry. Microwave for 10 seconds TWICE, stirring between each heating, remove and stir well. Using 1.5 ml pipettes, I get 3ml of vape oil of a very high quality, tastes great, and kicks your ass. Smells like whatever I mix it with too, so I vape anywhere, with impunity.....*live in CA... Questions? Buellar, Buellar?
EJ has PEG 400 (plus some other PEG viscosities as I understand). Without any PEG, your solution will separate. SkunkPharm used a homogenizer with VG, and it still separated.

I honestly never weigh anything. I have read that 1g roughly = 1 ml but can't verify. And obviously moisture content would have a huge impact on that.

I tried out PEG400 once, but that was prior to trying the EJ Mix. It didn't seem to work as well from memory...

It suddenly came to me today, that I should try the UNFLAVORED Mt. Baker 70-30 mix in my next batch, and use NO flavor. I wonder if it will taste AND smell like "God Forbid" hash.....??? I'm going to hope the "plastic" taste EJ is so well known for, is gone with the new brand of unflavored..???
It suddenly came to me today, that I should try the UNFLAVORED Mt. Baker 70-30 mix in my next batch, and use NO flavor. I wonder if it will taste AND smell like "God Forbid" hash.....??? I'm going to hope the "plastic" taste EJ is so well known for, is gone with the new brand of unflavored..???

If you read through this thread you'll see people that are using a tiny about of EJM to dilute the BHO/QWET/QWISO then adding a little bit more PG to get the viscosity right and kill the PEG taste in the EJM. My only concern with using a PG/VG mix would be that the VG would still cause some separation in time. Someone on another forum uses 70/30 PG/VG and microwaves it and likes it. Let us know how it goes.
I am a Mt Baker Vapor fan. Best place for ecig juices - cheap if you buy the largest size. And to get a flavor in 100% PG, no better place.

Victor, I am sorry but in every experiment I have tried with VG, separation. I was once out of town and ran out of atmomizers. So I dupmed out a nic tank to put in my ejuice. It separated from the residual VG. Maybe micro makes a difference, I havbe not tried that one...
Hey up all
Sorry to jump in on the discussion in this newbie manner.
Not too clued up on all the terms used for different methods so bit of a heads up for you all.

Anyway tried making so ISOvape to cut out the spliffs but although my iso oil was very successful my vape juice just split.. with id say around a third been absorbed with the 50/50 mix VG/PG so yeah fail.

Ordered some EJ Mix and so i'm lead to understand its a 1ml to 1g oil mix? also how long would one heat it up in a microwave oven for?
Id also like to add some of my purchased mint (medium nicotine) vap liquid to cover the taste of the EJ Mix i've read about so much plus have my hit of nicotine until the habit kicked.

First batch of iso oil pictured.


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4ml x 2g ISOOil
it's taken to the 50/50 mix... id drawn through the oil into the yellow juice ran it through my VBOX Vapouriz and although taken quiet some puffs on it found it quite a nice effect


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Read through the early pages and posts. You can't use VG. That is your problem.

If you want to make a nic version, you need to get juices that are all PG. Mt Baker Vapor sells them that way.
Read through the early pages and posts. You can't use VG. That is your problem.

If you want to make a nic version, you need to get juices that are all PG. Mt Baker Vapor sells them that way.
yeah i did start reading but got losted in all the different terms used been new
I'm joining the discussion. I've never did any eliquid up to now, but I've gathered some info on the web and tried a couple of experiments. I am planning to do a QWETH, but to avoid loosing the product I've tried first to solubilize olive oil instead, assuming that the solubility of this organic oil will be comparable (indeed olive oil is an excellent solvent). From pure products:
- PG separates
- PEG200 solubilizes
- PEG400 solubilizes
- 1-3-propanediol separates as PG.
I'm going to try mixtures of PG and PEG200/400 to see the maximal amount of PG with still solubilization. I guess that EJ mix is around a 1:3:4 mixture of PEG200:PEG300:PEG400 and some PG (unknown conc.) from the figure 4 of this publiation http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/12/8/9988
I want also to try mixtures of PEGs with 1-3-propanediol (called also propanol or omega-propanediol) since it is supposed to be a better solvent for nicotine than PG (1-2-propanediol). Some new eliquid are made with it, and I really like the taste (as opposed to PEGs).

I'm also running an experiment with a cold infusion of buds in 1-3-propanediol for ~2 months. Do you know if anyone tried infusion with mixture of PG and PEG200/300/400 for long times? These infusions are supposed to be a good alternative to solvent extraction, even if the end concentration is lower.

Last question: for the QWETH extraction, is it really necessary to evaporate all the alcohol before mixing with PG/PEGs? I don't care if there is a bit of ethanol in the final product. This would avoid the scrapping and melting step.