EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't you be silk screening Burnedout Sanders T-shirts for one of his big events?

i find it of particular interest your mid-america mainstream couple appears to be of the trigger happy, overweight/overindulged pukes of the holy-roller variety..get a neck why donchya? is your wife's arm and mouth that fat ben..is that why you can relate to this so well^^^?:lol:

and it's a skull tie dye:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Compared to the clown show on the 'right' side of the aisle, I'd say we're doing just fine.

Scott Walker; 'disempower the workers COMPLETELY, so we can pay them all minimum wage... and then find any excuse to blame democrats for why our economy is going to hell (just like it is in Wisconsin after his 'fixes').

Trump; 'build a wall on the CANADIAN border! After we talk about ME some more!'

...shall I continue?
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Well-Known Member
um, whoops. :blsmoke:

Bernie Sanders raises $1.2M after attack from pro-Hillary group


the early-on red herring..notice the clear-cut space mr. sanders has positioned himself..his right arm is clearly behind him..no mistake here, this man is a total pro..what's the term i'm looking for?..nice try establishment:clap: (left and right) however, we are 68% strong with mixed blood and some of the smartest and beautiful people in the world, while you're still trying to figure out how that weak chin presented itself..pro-tip hint: it's all that in-breeeding, 32%'ers:wink:

quick fix: settings>general>reset>reset network settings>yes you are sure.

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Well-Known Member
um, whoops. :blsmoke:


the early-on red herring..notice the clear-cut space mr. sanders has positioned himself..his right arm is clearly behind him..no mistake here, this man is a total pro..what's the term i'm looking for?..nice try establishment:clap: (left and right) however, we are 68% strong with mixed blood and some of the smartest and beautiful people in the world, while you're still trying to figure out how that weak chin presented itself..pro-tip hint: it's all that in-breeeding, 32%'ers:wink:

quick fix: settings>general>reset>reset network settings>yes you are sure.

This sort of adolescent silliness does nothing to help intelligent people decide who they want their president to be. Let Faux Spews play these games, while you concentrate on persuasive arguments for voters who think.


Well-Known Member
This sort of adolescent silliness does nothing to help intelligent people decide who they want their president to be. Let Faux Spews play these games, while you concentrate on persuasive arguments for voters who think.
personally, i don't think most here have the smarts enough to figure that #blacklivesmatter was THE initial red herring and deserves debate, ty.

if all we had to worry about were the 'smart' people?



Well-Known Member
Ugh I hated that when it happened. Bernie still drew out something like 15,000 in Seattle. Those two girls are insane - a friend of mine knows one of them and apparently she called an older friend of his a white supremacist even though she was a civil rights activist in the 60s lol.


Well-Known Member
Ugh I hated that when it happened. Bernie still drew out something like 15,000 in Seattle. Those two girls are insane - a friend of mine knows one of them and apparently she called an older friend of his a white supremacist even though she was a civil rights activist in the 60s lol.
Ever hear of a False Flag operation? I'm wondering if they aren't making such a stink that it couldn't have been thought up by anyone else. Is it just Bernie gatherings she's targeted?


Well-Known Member
Ever hear of a False Flag operation? I'm wondering if they aren't making such a stink that it couldn't have been thought up by anyone else. Is it just Bernie gatherings she's targeted?
IIRC They pulled a similar stunt before. Really these two girls are idiots, and there was a lot of confusion in the after math: Were they actually with BLM? And at first BLM distanced themselves, and then suddenly embraced them. One of the girls on her twitter had something like "I'm going to strangle the next motherfucker that tells me Bernie was a civil rights advocate, who cares?!" Or something similar to that.


Well-Known Member
IIRC They pulled a similar stunt before. Really these two girls are idiots, and there was a lot of confusion in the after math: Were they actually with BLM? And at first BLM distanced themselves, and then suddenly embraced them. One of the girls on her twitter had something like "I'm going to strangle the next motherfucker that tells me Bernie was a civil rights advocate, who cares?!" Or something similar to that.
It would be far from the first time there were ulterior motives to 'protests' at campaign rallies.

I'm expecting no holds to be barred; both sides realize the stakes are higher this time than ever before.


Well-Known Member
It would be far from the first time there were ulterior motives to 'protests' at campaign rallies.

I'm expecting no holds to be barred; both sides realize the stakes are higher this time than ever before.
this election is key historical because it will re-frame america.

this is truly all establishment (left and right)..the penguin, catwoman, joker, riddler vs. batman, if you will. elizabeth warren is robin.

the GOP has lost their footing..for all time to come, if they don't succeed.


Well-Known Member
this election is key historical because it will re-frame america.

this is truly all establishment (left and right)..the penguin, catwoman, joker, riddler vs. batman, if you will. elizabeth warren is robin.

the GOP has lost their footing..for all time to come, if they don't succeed.
The GOP was defeated 'for all time' in the 1930s, too. Greed is basic to human nature, so when everyone who remembered the Great Depression died, the field was clear to try, try again... this time, they've succeeded.
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