Club 600


Well-Known Member
More to add... you don't want them too close to each other, so that's why I say the spacing looks good. You don't want the first too close to the wall, so it can have space to grow, unless you want to train it up or whatever. The places to feed seem fine, although I'm not sure you need the second set as the first will trickle down, but more can't hurt. I guess my only thought with having watering tubes going to 4 different places is the pressure being low. I'm guessing you are just going to use the waterfall effect to get oxygen to the water. If you are going to use an airpump and stone, then no worries. But if you are not, then you have to remember that the only way oxygen is getting dissolved into the water is when you spray it into the tubes, and when it falls back to the rez. Your fall isn't that big so it won't be making too much oxygen, so really I'd be looking to spray it in pretty good with the feeding tubes or whatever you want to call them.

Hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I have a air pump aswell I will be putting into res aswell as a heater set on 20c, I can still add misters or sprayers aswell, I was just thinking 4 line feed each tube a I already have the 8 way splitter off my Wilma and will give lower plant fresh feed? Or would that not make a difference


Well-Known Member
It won't make a difference, but it won't hurt either. I'm just a fan of more simple = better. In my setup I had as many as 10 in the same run of pipe, and I never noticed the one at the end of the run being more hungry than the first. I don't think you'll need musters at all, the flow in the tubes does real good. I'm excited to see it all working. Also not sure you'll need a heater, but good to have on hand.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about it again right now, you are going to be giving the second plants twice the flow as the first ones, because the second plants will be getting the first water and the second water. I think you might only want to have the water enter at the 'top' so both plants get all the flow ? Or, just run it like this... see how the plants do, if the ones in the back seem to be growing different you can just change it. You might have extra holes you don't need then, but it don't really matter, just cover with tape and you are good.


Well-Known Member
Do we have any artisan hash makers here in club 600? I'm still about 10 weeks+ out from the chop but I am hoping to do a whole plant fresh frozen water/bubble hash run with all of the material I get out of my tent bongsmilie . Who's tek seems to work best for obtaining full melt? I have been reading alot into Matt Rize, Nikka T and Bubbleman's methods and they seem pretty similar but with slight variations.
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Well-Known Member
Do we have any artisan hash makers here in club 600? I'm still about 10 weeks+ out from the chop but I am hoping to do a whole plant fresh frozen water/bubble hash run with all of the material I get out of my tent bongsmilie . Who's tek seems to work best for obtaining full melt? I have been reading alot into Matt Rize, Nikka T and Bubbleman's methods and they seem pretty similar but with slight variations.
@Mohican can prob help ya. I think hes a frenchy follower