"I just kinda jumped into this thread but I gotta say there are quite a few inaccuracies stated. BC has convicted over 1300 people for cannabis crimes in the first 6 months of 2015, not sure how many were actually charged though, i only spent 3 min. finding the conviction numbers lol. While thats not a lot its hardly being ignored. Also a charge and not a conviction will be on your record and can still have grave consequences. As for this debate about NDP versus LIB, and who offerers the best policies. Yes get the facts! There are non!!! Lol. Both parties have been very vague recently, when asked about their intentions, other than it will be highly regulated at first but decriminalized. After that, WTF knows! And really I know I fear the word regulated lol. Although its got to be better than now, right???"
"BC has convicted over 1300 people for cannabis crimes in the first 6 months of 2015, not sure how many were actually charged though"
Umm dudley..
you get 'charged' first.
..then 'convicted'.
and MJ.. we're talking MED Pateints!