hello all... my first post!
although I am new to any forum I am not new to hydro/dtw
I run a very simple yet effective se up... its a bit costly to put together at first but it pays for it self in nutrient/cost savings
2 dosatron pumps $$
2 30 gallon trash cans
drip line with stakes
no pump except the one in the well
no air stones
no root disease
mix the 2 30gln trash cans with dry salt fert which will provide a total of 4000glns of nutrient
never adjust ph or fertilizers for entire grow
ph remains the same nutrient profile remains the same from sart of flower until harvest
after its et up...aside from raising the light, theres nothing left to do!
1.5 to 2lbs for a 4x4 tray harvest day has roots as white as my teeth