EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what us Sanders backers like most about him; the fact that indeed he is far, far to the left of President Obama and the current right of center 'democratic' party.

The current way of doing things is a trainwreck- and he's the only guy talking about fixing the railroad, while everyone else is bickering over the values of the CEO?

That you believe things aren't conservative enough is more evidence to me that our system is terribly broken.

Sanders in '16
Sanity is making a comeback!
But Obama is still awesome according to your butt buddy's...so why the disconnect?


Well-Known Member
But Obama is still awesome according to your butt buddy's...so why the disconnect?
Obama is the best of a bad lot of establishmentarians. As has been discussed many times here, the democratic party is itself far too conservative for the best interests of its self avowed constituents, nevermind the actual majority of American citizens.

Mr Sanders is much further 'left' or 'progressive' or 'liberal', yet a lot of what he says is echoed by the tea party, something I've been noticing more and more over the past year or so.


Well-Known Member
If Sanders becomes the nominee I will vote for him
If Hillary becomes the nominee Ill look elsewhere

But I wont vote for either one of them in the primary.


Well-Known Member
If Sanders becomes the nominee I will vote for him
If Hillary becomes the nominee Ill look elsewhere

But I wont vote for either one of them in the primary.
Seems like a silly attitude, on the face of it; voting in the primary for the person you'd want to vote for in the general election is kinda the whole point of the exercise. What is it you're trying to accomplish?


Well-Known Member
Seems like a silly attitude, on the face of it; voting in the primary for the person you'd want to vote for in the general election is kinda the whole point of the exercise. What is it you're trying to accomplish?
Sanders cant win a primary or the general election
I don't like Hillary Clinton, I don't like her friends either. And this is from the 90s. If she wins the primary I still wont vote for her

I'm still hoping for Biden to step in or waiting for another Democrat to step up


Well-Known Member
Sanders cant win a primary or the general election
I don't like Hillary Clinton, I don't like her friends either. And this is from the 90s. If she wins the primary I still wont vote for her

I'm still hoping for Biden to step in or waiting for another Democrat to step up
I disagree that Mr Sanders can't win- and we'll certainly find out soon enough. His original mission was simply to broaden the conversation. He's done that- and he's exposed just how beholden the democrats are to big money interests, as well as the republicans.

The response he's gotten disturbs me; here's a guy who's taking about issues more relevant to more people in this country than any pol has in this millennium... and the establishment is absolutely deafening in its silence. They won't engage at all, not even to say he's wrong.


Well-Known Member
I disagree that Mr Sanders can't win- and we'll certainly find out soon enough. His original mission was simply to broaden the conversation. He's done that- and he's exposed just how beholden the democrats are to big money interests, as well as the republicans.

The response he's gotten disturbs me; here's a guy who's taking about issues more relevant to more people in this country than any pol has in this millennium... and the establishment is absolutely deafening in its silence. They won't engage at all, not even to say he's wrong.
1 he is not wrong
2 I agree with everything he has said so far
3 Business's will line up against him. He will not win

Then there is the question of his foreign policy


Well-Known Member
Sanders cant win a primary or the general election
This seems to reflect the mindset of many traditionally Democrat voters. Chesus is certainly not the only one with this perception.
Many wish Biden to run...(or maybe Gore, Kerry, Brown)...anyone but Hillary or Bernie...!

Sanders is certainly making life more difficult for the well entrenched, establishment Dems.

Trump is providing the same type of nettlesome affect on the establishment Repubs...and Trump happens to be the clear front runner among the large group of GOP candidates thus far.


Well-Known Member
1 he is not wrong
2 I agree with everything he has said so far
3 Business's will line up against him. He will not win

Then there is the question of his foreign policy
What I've heard of his foreign policy amounts to 'enough warmongering, already'.


Well-Known Member
Sanders just took the lead in Iowa and he's in a better position right now than Obama was in 2007. If he does well in the debates he will win the nomination, and if he wins the nomination, there's nobody strong enough on the republican ticket to defeat him. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.


Well-Known Member
Sanders just took the lead in Iowa and he's in a better position right now than Obama was in 2007. If he does well in the debates he will win the nomination, and if he wins the nomination, there's nobody strong enough on the republican ticket to defeat him. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
Popularity contests aside, I believe this nomination will be won or lost on the strength of the delegates who cast their votes for the candidates.

I fear that the veteran Clinton campaign machine has been making early inroads in all fifty states in order to lock up the nomination, even without the huge crowds, and this will be hard to overcome.


Well-Known Member
Popularity contests aside, I believe this nomination will be won or lost on the strength of the delegates who cast their votes for the candidates.

I fear that the veteran Clinton campaign machine has been making early inroads in all fifty states in order to lock up the nomination, even without the huge crowds, and this will be hard to overcome.
Democrats have something called super delegates.
Not sure how it works. But you can lose the primary and still get the nomination
Maybe I'm wrong on that. But that Is my understanding

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Neither Sanders or Hillary have a chance amongst voters who are honest, smart, and work for a living.

We don't need another Obama. He was a false Messiah as is Sanders.

Look, socialism doesn't work. If you have half a brain you understand that. The working class will vote for someone like Scott Walker or Ben Carson....or Mark Rubio - those who were born poor but made something of themselves.


Well-Known Member
Neither Sanders or Hillary have a chance amongst voters who are honest, smart, and work for a living.

We don't need another Obama. He was a false Messiah as is Sanders.

Look, socialism doesn't work. If you have half a brain you understand that. The working class will vote for someone like Scott Walker or Ben Carson....or Mark Rubio - those who were born poor but made something of themselves.
...they might have, but nothing they stand for will help anyone else repeat their performance.

If you think Obama is a socialist, then you are wildly misinformed both about his record and about the definition of socialism, but toss around big words you don't understand, your friends won't care.

Second, if you think the current form of 'socialism' is too 'liberal', then you're a fascist... just like Trump.

Look that up yourself, if you ever bother with actual definitions.

Further, how do you know socialism wouldn't work? Do you have evidence that didn't come from the Faux Spews soon cycle of vacuous statements and unprovable 'facts'?

...such as Obama being a 'false messiah'. He didn't say that, none of HID supporters did- only the right wingnuts. Indeed, the party of NO was the biggest obstacle to passing many of the reforms he was elected to enact. Why aren't you holding any of the Cantor/Boehner/Sessions crowd accountable for the deadlock?

Voters who are honest, smart and work for a living are tired of watching megacorps run roughshod over everything we as a people stand for- and seeing politicians on both sides of the aisle take their money and give them whatever they want.

No one you mentioned will even address this existential crisis, let alone suggest solutions. Might impact their campaign warchest, can't have that!
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Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
That seems to be how it works. We the People need to dismantle the system that favors the money, or we won't have any say at all.
Money is what makes the world go round, you have-not whiny little loser.

If you want a "say" in the system, then get involved....and that doesn't mean seeking moral support from a bunch of liberal RIU kooks in the Politics forum.

Uncle Ben