Minimum wage leading to touchscreens replacing cashiers?

you're a very stupid person.

the united states has the lowest effective tax rate in the world.

all your fox news won't change that, caveman.

Maybe you're right, dude, I don't know. All the shit I read says otherwise and it wasn't Fox News shit.
everything you just said is false, but then again, you are a very stupid person who joined a white supremacy group during one of his 7 sock puppet accounts here.

why does australia have a $17 minimum wage and cheaper big macs than we do, skinhead klanman?

Australia doesn't have the military responsibilities we do. Nor have they been stupid enough to accumulate an insurmountable national debt.

Raising the min wage is a good idea. Paying a living wage for cashiers and burger flippers and busboys and bell hops is a pipe-dream being thrown around by presidential hopefuls, designed to get the votes of desperate people.

who do you think the "real producers" are at mcdonalds?

because i guarantee the entire franchise would shut down over night without all these burger flippers you are so hostile towards, for some odd and unexplained reason.

Burger flipping reasonably = gas and beer money for teenagers.
Paying workers more than they contribute to the profit margin of any business via Government mandate always leads to hand wringing and teeth gnashing and resultant despair.
Be careful what you wish for.
Businesses exist for only one reason, that is to simply achieve a reasonable profit on investment.
Shame on them!!!
What bastards!
Paying workers more than they contribute to the profit margin of any business via Government mandate always leads to hand wringing and teeth gnashing and resultant despair.
Be careful what you wish for.
Businesses exist for only one reason, that is to simply achieve a reasonable profit on investment.
Shame on them!!!
What bastards!
Maybe corporations should be allowed to import slaves
Paying workers more than they contribute to the profit margin of any business via Government mandate always leads to hand wringing and teeth gnashing and resultant despair.
Be careful what you wish for.
Businesses exist for only one reason, that is to simply achieve a reasonable profit on investment.
Shame on them!!!
What bastards!

why does denmark pay $20 an hour minimum wage and have a better quality of life than we do?

could it be that you only have impotent, failed GOP talking points with no basis in truth and no evidence to support your retarded mumblings?
The rate in practice

PolitiFact, our sister site, has looked at several variations on Bolling’s claim and ruled them Mostly True almost every time. The reason for the "mostly" qualifier is that companies aren’t actually taxed at the statutory rate.

Tax deductions -- on health insurance, pensions, and investment returns, for example -- allow corporations to reduce the pool of taxable profits. So economists often look at what they call the effective tax rate, which experts have told us is just as valid a measurement of corporate tax rates as the statutory rate.

But whereas the statutory rate is relatively straightforward and uncontroversial, different, reputable organizations have published very different estimates of the effective tax rate that corporations pay.

The most recent estimate comes from the World Bank and International Finance Commission, which put the United States’ effective rate for 2014 at 27.9 percent. That’s second-highest behind New Zealand among OECD countries and 15th-highest among the 189 countries measured.

In 2011, the Tax Foundation published a survey of 13 prior estimates of the United States’ effective tax rate from 2005 to 2011. All 13 studies pegged the U.S.’s rate as above average, but none had the U.S. rate first overall.

Another 2011 study by the Congressional Research Service put the U.S. effective rate at 27.1 percent, slightly lower than the OECD average of 27.7 percent

So how about a flat tax? Ten percent across the board. If all you can make is a 1000 bucks pay your 100 bucks. Make a biz-zillion, pay your 10 percent. No fucking offsets.

It'll never happen both sides argue against it for all the obvious reasons. One side argues regressive, the other being penalized for doing business.
Deductions are not evasion jackass. Get the law changed if you don't like it. If you have credible work related deductions and you don't take them, then you're an idiot.

Or are you saying that if there was no documentation, (1099), you would evade? Do you pay taxes on your grow? Do you take farm or biz deductions for that operation?

sorry, racist loser, but your racial separatist buddy spandy keeps two sets of books to evade taxes. no one ever said anything about deductions, you fart in a jar of an intellect.
Where did you get your information? Have you seen these books? You mindless sack of shit. Go back to your white supremacy forum where you can denegrate all you want. Nobody wants you here.

spandy admits he is a tax evader, then he bemoans other people for getting "free shit". it's hilarious.

and why are you, a racist sock puppet loser, telling me no one wants me here? did you forget that you were already banned because no one wants you here, and came back anyway?
spandy admits he is a tax evader, then he bemoans other people for getting "free shit". it's hilarious.

and why are you, a racist sock puppet loser, telling me no one wants me here? did you forget that you were already banned because no one wants you here, and came back anyway?

You're fucking hilarious. Where do you come up with this shit? Why don't you ask your bud if I've ever been banned?

You're the fucker that joined a white hate group.
so pat buchanan never proposed a flat tax?

oh wait, that racist loser did. and you, also being a racist loser, just regurgitated it.


Fuck Pat Buchanan.

You don't like it because why? How would it affect you?

Stop crying for everybody else and take care of yourself. If everybody did that this country would be a whole lot better off.
You're fucking hilarious. Where do you come up with this shit? Why don't you ask your bud if I've ever been banned?

You're the fucker that joined a white hate group.

you already told me you are a sock puppet.

i'm guessing you were one of the many losers who joined the white supremacy group, hence why you are projecting that onto me.

parrot some more pat buchanan.
What does the average franchisee make in profit yearly?

I dont know, but what i do know is that its not my buisness to count their money.

15 an hour is DOUBLING their labor costs. If the cost of weed doubles would you smoke less? Would you be more conservative with your stash?
No kidding If you can't learn a trade, something most definitely is wrong with you. But something can be wrong with you, and you can still learn a trade! Holy shit balls, really???!!!

Guy in town runs one of the most high class detail shops around. Not too many exotics around these parts, but if you were going to see one it would be in his shop getting shined up for the next days drive. He personally polished my 360 a couple times over the years. Runs a 3 man crew, and they are always busy, even when the snow hits.

He has down syndrome so his hurdle is set much higher than most, yet he clears it daily like a boss.

There are so many trades that most are mentally and physically capable of learning one.

I don't have a disability, but im a convicted felon with no education. I couldn't find a job, so i made my own job. I started with ads on craigslist and now i make a decent living sitting at home hanging out with my daughter. I am 23 and started a contracting outfit out of thin air with no money invested. I worked my Fucking ass off but now i do pretty well. My employees make more than i do, but they work more than i do so im okay with that.

If someone wants an opportunity to make a good living, they need to work for it, and if that don't work..... Its fucking AMERICA! Anyone can start a business! ANYONE!!! White, Black, Native American, Asian, and every one else too.

If you dont wanna flip burgers, dont. That simple. There ARE other jobs. Learn to drive a forklift, or dig ditches for a landscaper, or work im a factory, learn to sew and work for a tailor, work for a sex hotline, become a cook in a real restaurant, work for the IRS, be a freelance writer, do caricatures on a busy street, or become a politician.

There are lots of jobs out there, if you apply at McDonald's and get the job, you are AGREEING to accept the pay rate they give you.

A burger flipper doesn't need to earn the same as someone who works twice as hard. In my area 15 an hour is alot of money. Its enough that 15 an hour at a fulltime job would allow you to live a very comfortable lifestyle with no financial issues. The people that make that much now, make that much because they earned it. They started from the bottom, and either aquired a skill, a degree, or work experience.... Now those with none of those things want to be equals.

Darwin's Theory of Evolution.... Survival of the fittest right? Well in modern day America the fittest arw those who are willing to do what ever is needed to move up in the world, or at least not move down.
The unskilled, uneducated, and unmotivated, need to work on the underlying cause of why they can't seem to find a better source of income.

Sorry if you have to work 3 minimum wage jobs, but in life you need to sell yourself. You make yourself marketable by learning a skill and then you sell yourself to a company. That's what a job is.