Club 600


Well-Known Member
Looking sharp bud :-)

I must have gotten some wimpy ass thrips, because they died real easy. Only bug I've not been able to get rid of before cycle ended was fungus gnats, little shit heads were driving me nuts.
I'm hoping mine are limp wristed, my harvest is infinite so it would be a real bitch to live with them till I break the room down.

In other news I got the green light to use my work to build my supplemental led panels... That means carbon fibre suspension around my heat sinks and well everywhere else it make sense :cool:

Also get to use the led sign company for assembly and testing after hours


Well-Known Member
Another more recent lesson I've learned is to wear my glasses whenever I'm with my plants :) I had got to where I just did my things without my eyeballs on and stuff can definitely sneak by you that way!
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Well-Known Member
Is it over the top that I want to line all these thrips up in a line and slowly murder them individually making the others watch?

I'm just stuck at work and can't treat till after work, so I'm just imagining the little bastards rubbing their balls all over the place! Going into my bedroom and cumin' on my pillows, putting my toothbrush in the toilet then back into the holder... That kinda evil

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I was at a yard and garden center today and found these items

Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Conc.
Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew® contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a product first isolated from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery. Deadbug Brew® kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals.

Click here
to see sizes, availability and where to find in your area.

also from Capt Jack

Hot Pepper Wax Insect Repel. RTU
Made from Hot Cayenne Peppers, this product will repel insects from fruit, flowers, houseplants and vegetables for up to 30 days.
Click here to see sizes, availability and where to find in your area.

they also had a spray that was garlic and cloves.

the recipe from whodat works well.



Well-Known Member
I was at a yard and garden center today and found these items

Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew Conc.
Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew® contains Spinosad (spin-OH-sid), a product first isolated from a naturally occurring soil dwelling bacterium that was collected on a Caribbean island from an abandoned rum distillery. Deadbug Brew® kills bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, codling moth, gypsy moth, loopers, leaf miners, spider mites, tent caterpillars, thrips and more! Use on fruits, vegetables, berries, citrus, grapes, nuts and ornamentals.

Click here
to see sizes, availability and where to find in your area.

also from Capt Jack

Hot Pepper Wax Insect Repel. RTU
Made from Hot Cayenne Peppers, this product will repel insects from fruit, flowers, houseplants and vegetables for up to 30 days.
Click here to see sizes, availability and where to find in your area.

they also had a spray that was garlic and cloves.

the recipe from whodat works well.

Love this stuff...