EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Bernie is a self described Socialist.
This will never, ever play in fly-over country.
Regardless of any spin or explanation proffered by Bernie supporters to legitimize or provide context to his "Socialist" ideas.
He is DOA among the general independent electorate.
Hence the increasing mention of Uncle Joe Biden...
Stay tuned.
Lookee here:

Clinton's lead drops further as interest in Biden grows

correction: clinton's drop is because of bernie 'here and now' NOT any biden 'potential'..they really have you, don't they?:lol:

i gave my last $3.85, for this country..what have you've done lately except tell us why he 'can't'?..you play right into the GOP hand that you're dealt, my friend..time to wake up, Wavels!


Well-Known Member
First, cute talking point, spewed out right on cue- notice the insult complete with a lack of citation or supporting evidence of any kind. If you're expecting knowing nods in this crowd, you better come with more than that.

Second, Bernie Sanders has actually been in government, doing the job for decades. Limbaugh is at best an entertainer who gets taken far too seriously and at worst a complete hypocrite.

Third, YES. Because forty years of the wrong direction is entirely enough.
totally repped and post of the day, ty:clap::hug:


Well-Known Member
correction: clinton's drop is because of bernie 'here and now' NOT any biden 'potential'..they really have you, don't they?:lol:

i gave my last $3.85, for this country..what have you've done lately except tell us why he 'can't'?..you play right into the GOP hand that you're dealt, my friend..time to wake up, Wavels!
Sorry Sky, but the "establishment" Dem machine is looking beyond Bernie.
It is all about elect-ability.


Well-Known Member
Colorado is only one state...stay tuned because this is going to be very entertaining at the very least.
Colorado is a bellwether state politically and tends to elect politicians based on the mood of the country. The record isn't perfect but it's pretty consistent.


Well-Known Member
Colorado is a bellwether state politically and tends to elect politicians based on the mood of the country. The record isn't perfect but it's pretty consistent.
Only time will tell...we will see.
In the meantime I will certainly enjoy the gyrations and machinations of both parties in their questionable quest for POTUS.
Now, that's entertainment!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Sky, but the "establishment" Dem machine is looking beyond Bernie.
It is all about elect-ability.
so sorry waves..

over 1 million constituents have been to see bernie 14 months from the election..he will be 'the peoples' president..

establishment = politics as usual.

keep spinning it, henny..you're the one that's gonna have 'egg' on your face..love, foxy:wink::lol:



Well-Known Member
I have a bit more invested in the outcome than popcorn.
Sorry, but to me the basic value of political power struggles is only in the mirthful entertainment the battle thereof provides me.
I am quite jaded and think that both parties are leading us down the glittering road to ruination and despair.
It is, indeed, hopeless.
Might as well gorge myself with popcorn and good and plenty, as I fog myself into oblivion with sweet sticky buds!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but to me the basic value of political power struggles is only in the mirthful entertainment the battle thereof provides me.
I am quite jaded and think that both parties are leading us down the glittering road to ruination and despair.
It is, indeed, hopeless.
Might as well gorge myself with popcorn and good and plenty, as I fog myself into oblivion with sweet sticky buds!
Then you are foolish enough to ignore the consequences of the contest in your own life, and as such I've no more use for your opinions.


Well-Known Member
so sorry waves..

over 1 million constituents have been to see bernie 14 months from the election..he will be 'the peoples' president..

establishment = politics as usual.

keep spinning it, henny..you're the one that's gonna have 'egg' on your face..love, foxy:wink::lol:

LOL...Sky we are fourteen months out from election day...the rumblings among the DC Dem cognoscenti at this early juncture, do not bode well for Bernie.
We will all have to be patient and await the unfolding future drama...puff, puff...


Well-Known Member
Then you are foolish enough to ignore the consequences of the contest in your own life, and as such I've no more use for your opinions.
Hahahaha...so be it.
You will inevitably come to realize the naivete of your idealistic notions of political reality in the fullness of time.
'Twas ever thus!


Well-Known Member
LOL...Sky we are fourteen months out from election day...the rumblings among the DC Dem cognoscenti at this early juncture, do not bode well for Bernie.
We will all have to be patient and await the unfolding future drama...puff, puff...
ooooooooh..i'm sooooooo scared of the rrrrrrrumblings and bbbbbodings.

patient? you go sit on the back bench, waves..the GOP is depending on you.

care to make a friendly wager?:mrgreen:

my suggestion?..loser washes the winners car 1x per month for the 12 months following the election.

i'll be eagerly anticipating your post.


Well-Known Member
ooooooooh..i'm sooooooo scared of the rrrrrrrumblings and bbbbbodings.

patient? you go sit on the back bench, waves..the GOP is depending on you.

care to make a friendly wager?:mrgreen:

my suggestion?..loser washes the winners car 1x per month for the 12 months following the election.

i'll be eagerly anticipating your post.
If you think that Bernie will win the nomination, then we have a valid wager, you are on, good madam.

I suspect that regardless of the outcome of the wager, you would be the primary beneficiary because
I bring to the table professional skills, in that, I spent two years managing a hand car-wash in Hallandale FL...hahaha...I am very skilled at washing cars, are you???


Well-Known Member
Just watched the speech he gave in new hampshire, pretty inspiring. He definitely doesnt have the speech flow obama does but he makes up for that with sincerity in what he is saying.