
You're 0 for 7, Sherlock.

And you bragged of a 5-6 lb harvest. Not a 2 lb'er.

not according to rolli. he confirmed your repeated sock puppet accounts and told you to shut your fucking mouth and quit crying to him about me.

3 consecutive 2 pound harvests adds up to what, auburn1985?
i like how you've gone from trying to "talk shit" to folding your arms, plugging your ears, holding your breath, and trying to deny what everyone knows.

you can't talk shit, dumbass. you are shit. a lowlife white supremacist. a loser from the south.

and you can't deny that.

I can and do deny it.

And I can talk shit with the best of them. But when I do, I get threatened with being banned. When you do, all is OK.

I've learned the "rules" here.
sorry, i mostly do fine interior trim.

go join another white supremacy group, then cry to rolli when i remind you of it.

This is the most boring scandal ever. I am getting bored just typing this. Tell me again why I should be upset or even care about deleted emails.
A guy grows two pounds of a weed. And he chortles as if he has accomplished something.

I wonder how much his turd weighed when scraped off the bathroom floor by a minimum wage slave?

yet you've grown nothing and live off the welfare of others. so sad.
There is nothing wrong with hanging drywall. Noble profession. And if you're good, you can pull in several thousand a week doing it.

yeah, but you gotta be fast. we're talking about laying the tape right behind the spackler fast. i would be lost on a professional drywall crew.
There is nothing wrong with hanging drywall. Noble profession. And if you're good, you can pull in several thousand a week doing it.

but buck has a hard time raising capital other than his father-in-laws, so i guess he's not really that good at drywall..
but buck has a hard time raising capital other than his father-in-laws, so i guess he's not really that good at drywall..

we actually hung some drywall on a side job for a grower buddy the boss has. i was the only one on the crew who knew how to spackle.

no need to be such a basic betch.
the job today involved knocking out existing framing to frame for our new doors, which was nowhere to be found in our paperwork. we had to order in supplies to frame out new headers and king/trimmer studs. i am apparently the most well equipped on the crew to drive 16 penny nails. i can spike them in with two swings after setting the nail. it took 5 men to lift the 22' header and get it into place.

then i sold a half pound when i got home and am currently sipping some fine gin.

just another day in paradise.