Strongest Strain Known To Man?

i think age depends alot on wether u prefer outdoor or indoor i think younger people prefer indoor and older people outdoor, im not sayin every1 but just as a rule of thumb, i also think that younger smokers just naturaly assume if its good its indoor if its bad its outdoor, but as we know it all depends on conditions sum of that bad bud could be an amatuer indoor attempt, as far as the best dope goes nowdays all the strains that are going about seem to get u pretty stoned for example u would be hard pressed to tell the difference in stone between a good white strain and a good skunk strain what i base my overall stone on is how fresh i wake up the next day, if u wake up without a back of the head chemical headache it is a good stone.

what do you mean by chemical headache in the morning, like that horrible groggy feeling, can you get round that with organics, i thought that was just part of smoking, but then again kind of makes sense if it is. When i smoked back in ethiopia and bolivia can't really remember having it, and i'm that all the weed was natural, but now in england I will get it pretty much all the time to varying degrees, and it will all definitely be grown chemically.
Too many seed sellers inflate the THC content of their product. I feel that if you can get anything around 15% THC you have a good product. Years ago I heard of a long time grower getting 30% THC from a plant that he spent all kinds of time and money on growing it out. The plant was Northern Lights #1.

I think that on the street most bud these days come in between 5 to 10% THC. This is very difficult to determine because it is very expensive to do the lab work necessary to find out the THC content.

At the end of the day who cares as long as your bud gets the job done!

The percentage they give you is the thc content of the resin, which means that in 100 g of resin a 20% thc plant will have 20 g of thc. The highest recorded thc was 27%. If anyone put more money and time into a plant they can improve the amounts of resin but not the thc percentage, the percentage is genetic, the amount of resin is determined by the grower (generally) To really get a potent plant, find one ppl have been talking about for awhile (make sure its not a hyped strain) and buy as many seeds of it as possible. Generally it takes 50-100 plants from seed to find a killer mom that has good thc percentage.
Yea thats true man they found it in a train that crashed in the late 1960s and grew inside that train wild it was hippys traveling to a concert when it crashed and they just left the train there as the trax got shut down .. No male so no seeds wish i had some

sorry dude, ur buddy is full of shit, growing in a trainwreck? Ha ha ha nope sorry dude, it was grown by some grower (indoors) who happened to make a good strain, just like all the clone only's.
I've smoked it all From Amsterdam to Humboldt and without a doubt the best strain I have ever got my hands on was 707 HEADBAND which is OG KUSH X SOUR DIESEL...when grown right, nothing can touch this strain. Here's a pic for ya. Peace.



I'd estimate THC @ 22-25% Easy
We went to Lollapalloza this year and we smoked some PPP I had saved, I was so high I...couldn' in..complete..sentences. But as far as best strain,I think it has alot to do with where I'm at, who I'm with and what time a day it is. Smoked hash until I puked when I was 14 or so. Thats pro'ly the highest I've ever been.
sorry dude, ur buddy is full of shit, growing in a trainwreck? Ha ha ha nope sorry dude, it was grown by some grower (indoors) who happened to make a good strain, just like all the clone only's.

Always 1 to pick up a quote haha I thought i made so no 1 could believe it hahah Like All that hype around cheese when you smoke it your head spins :-? Its the strongest gear ive smoked no head spinnning tho or lavatiting :confused:

Yea it bullshit man as if a plant would be growning wild in a trainwreck untouched from the 1960,s
I haven't tried the 707 headband but other headband pot was just ok for me-there are so many great stoney strains out there-it's hard to put a lable on the strongest one---seems to me when I come across something really strong I just want to take a nap unless it's mostly sativa. Most of the chem dawg strains are very nice-only tried a couple of them yet:mrgreen:---I had a Hindu kush x Afghan that had me on the floor about a year ago. I want to try Neville's haze-heard good things about it.
Trainwreck,true blueberry,ak47

those are my top 3

going to go with cali-high on this. anything in sw fl right now is either pure power or trainwreck. the trainwreck is the best shit I have ever sceen. This color here for the hairs, this color here for the leaves. And the rest is all crystals. You actually can't even see that much of the leaves, the whole thing is covered in crystals and you can only see green specks where there isn't complete crystal coverage. The plant smells exactly like a pine tree, and is a very smooth smoke. There is no taste, just smoothness...
headband/ og kush/ la con/ bubba kush/ herowauna/ purple urkel/gdp etc... these are some of the best out there. i dont know why people keep naming old strains like white russian trainwreck hazes etc.. there great but are not as good as the newest strains and are outdated. to really have access to all strains at all times you really have to have a medical recommendation then you really can smoke and grow these different strains and have a un-biased oppinion to which is best. even in amsterdam most of the best strains are not available yet as most are clone only:peace:
I haven't tried the 707 headband but other headband pot was just ok for me-there are so many great stoney strains out there-it's hard to put a lable on the strongest one---seems to me when I come across something really strong I just want to take a nap unless it's mostly sativa. Most of the chem dawg strains are very nice-only tried a couple of them yet:mrgreen:---I had a Hindu kush x Afghan that had me on the floor about a year ago. I want to try Neville's haze-heard good things about it.

You definitely smoked the fake Headband then. Alot of idiots love to call shit Headband or OG Kush when it aint even close. If it wasn't the true 707 Headband or Headband Herouna then it wasn't the real deal. Ya i just had some Hindu Kush X Afhgan Good Regs if you ask me. I think it all has to do with tolerance. If you havent smoked that much insane dank then White Widow or Trainwreck might even be your favorite strain. Also some people don't like the Narcotic/Knock yer ass out High of Kush strains. They like Museum Weed. Trust me I'm not hating. Too each his own. Peace.
Pure Hash Oil ( Pure THC ) that's a dynamite ;)
or if we talk a some strains, the Arjans Thai-Tanic is strongest sativa strain, they have do the test and that strain has given highest THC potent in sativas.. indica strain is hard to say maybe Aurora Indica but Hash oil is strongest 100%thc
My favorite strains I've smoked are probably OG Kush, Jack Herrer, and Sourberry Kush. Jack Herrer is my favorite of all 3 though, it's absolutley amazing.

I've never had Budder, but I've heard that it's the purest hash. Beautiful budder