Going commercial

Open your business in U.E.Maybe less problems to solve...and less people who gonna try to put their cob in their ass...lol but seriously if someone do a crazy thing like this and try to make the builder/seller responsable there is no chance for him to go in court (trial) and no lawyers would help him...
Have a great day ★
just trying to keep the issues you raised in balance to the actual product.
Bah, I think you just need to add your voice to the crowd no matter what. I can see this in you largely because I'm the same way, but @DocCox 's advice was fucking solid and based firmly in reality.
P.S. I have a COB in my butt right now, no problems. I'm not going to sue, I'm going to write a thank you letter.
Paperwork is well underway. I received lenses today and dang they are large. 2 of them would make a tennis ball and the holder is almost 4 inches across. So after getting them I set about retooling for the new configuration and just finished doing that. I had been trying to avoid drilling through the heatsink for the COB wiring but it was necessary. Visible wire without lens isn't very pretty, but trying to install a lens over the wiring would have looked sloppy. Now the wires will be totally hidden and COBs waterproof so I'm happy about that and I have a reasonable plan for dealing with through hole wire vibration. The additional cost isn't huge either. Tomorrow I will finally be able to do a small production run. After building the prototype I suspect labor won't be a huge issue as I have things set up so the enclosures will come together quickly. The only real unknown at this point is how much it will cost to ship them.
Absolutely, and that was all taken into concern. Competition putting an object in the anus was a very real attempt to put a relevant example. The toy was very child safe, not adult psycho safe. You can have the safest object, made of the best materials, no expenses spared, and somebody that makes a living trolling patents, small business, or whater troll in general can wreck you for absolutely no reason. You have nearly zero control, unless you have your Ts crossed and it's a common household object your slinging and everyone knows it's safe. Even then, people can keep you in court for years over something you clearly never designed your product for. Just wait for the guy that thinks it would be cool to bottom illuminate his plexiglass tub (or a fish tank). One of many reasons medications are so expensive - you put the repeatedly double blind tested, proven side effects and your billion $ boner pill now cost $3 billion when people realize a rock hard can make you dizzy - you know that side effect it says on the bottle, said in every commercial, says 5x on the 10 page document they miraculously got in the container, the thing the pharmacist warned you about, the thing you joked about, the thing your doctor mentioned as he did his best to evaluate your health, etc.
High amperage, AC and DC, going into rooms probably not 100% of the time up to code, installed and operated by people that might not be working at peak mental function, where many operations could be illicit, and waters everywhere.... It's very real somebody could try to get the COB inside their anus. (That was humour for getting hurt)

This second mention of patents however was for OP. Include the royalties in the cost. If you do have novel components or uses, DO patent it, and DO patent it in countries like China. There for example, if you didn't have a patent filed in country before your idea was stolen, you have 0% chance of shutting down the generic factory.
Couldn't agree more.

Open your business in U.E.Maybe less problems to solve...and less people who gonna try to put their cob in their ass...lol but seriously if someone do a crazy thing like this and try to make the builder/seller responsable there is no chance for him to go in court (trial) and no lawyers would help him...
Have a great day ★
You mean European union, right? There are so many requirements you have to meet before you're even legally able to sell your product. You'd be probably surprised.
At least we're safe at court when somebody shoves your light up his ...
Paperwork is well underway. I received lenses today and dang they are large. 2 of them would make a tennis ball and the holder is almost 4 inches across. So after getting them I set about retooling for the new configuration and just finished doing that. I had been trying to avoid drilling through the heatsink for the COB wiring but it was necessary. Visible wire without lens isn't very pretty, but trying to install a lens over the wiring would have looked sloppy. Now the wires will be totally hidden and COBs waterproof so I'm happy about that and I have a reasonable plan for dealing with through hole wire vibration. The additional cost isn't huge either. Tomorrow I will finally be able to do a small production run. After building the prototype I suspect labor won't be a huge issue as I have things set up so the enclosures will come together quickly. The only real unknown at this point is how much it will cost to ship them.
Where are you located
Charlotte Hornet's...that's all i know about your state...and, yes!it is the north of South Carolina...lol
Thanks for the geo class, prof
Have a great day ★
Plasma cutting would be nice, though in terms of cost/labor having a company fabricate the enclosures would be the ultimate. Crafting enclosures with power tools is a lot of work!

To update things, the first run of lamps didn't work out well. I broke two tap bits in the same day and had to wait til Monday to pick up more. Then I realized I hadn't added the rocker switches to my order so now I'm waiting on rocker switches in the mail. Even with the slowdowns I'm getting a better idea of production time, at least with my current method and familiarity with the process. Not as speedy as I was hoping. Looks like about 75% fabrication and 25% assembly.

Everything else is moving along, but nothing has happened as fast as theory might suggest. I have my domain name and company articles in the pipe. I hope to have some lamps to show in a couple days though it could be another couple weeks before the website is alive to the public.
It took me 10mn to build my last pannel.It is like a mecano...it look hard to do at first, but easier when you are use to!
I made 8 of the one you can see in my avatar... (4 for a friend who is very happy) but diy like grow is addictive and I want to build more light...
Have a great day ★
I wish mine took 10 minutes :)

Here is a picture of the lamp. This first model will be called the T22-150V
T- brand identifier
22- coverage area in this case 2x2
150- output wattage
V- indicates Vero based

You can guess the rest by looking at the pic if you know your emitters :)

In theory units will be available tomorrow but it's a very loose theory. I'm getting the shipping and packing material sorted tomorrow, need to test CC functionality, run back over the website and make sure everything is polished, and there are probably several other loose ends to get sorted. Anyway here's a pic.


I hope this isn't breaking RIU rules to post these details. :)
I wish you the best of luck. Im not gonna add any expertice to this thread, because I am not able to do so. If I were to put something competitive in the LED game, then it would probably be like this, since the DIY aspect is getting easier and easier:
1: As a seller/distributor, I'd buy in everything in big volumes
2: Then Id offer "build your own light" packs, with everything needed included
Why? --> Most DIY costs are directly related to not buying in bulk and buying from different people (shipping costs from different places). In doing this, youd be able to offer ready-to-build packages with little to no work but costumer service. I dont know if I am explaining this clearly, but have a go at understanding it. And thanks for helping me out with my light :) Best of luck!
That's actually a smart idea. I don't have the funds to get something like that off the ground at the moment but I think a DIY shop is a great idea. I did consider something similar offering an enclosure building service, but am really wanting to offer lamp/s for now as I think there is a market for my lighting strategy... and I like building lamps.