EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
80% of American Muslims support the imposition of Sharia law
that has to be one of the most retarded statements youhave ever tried to pass off as fact.

i don't even want to know what retarded jibberish you are taking as gospel to have read that and repeated it.


Well-Known Member
correct-a-mundo! part of the change must occur from within both houses and as fringe as tea is; they're starting to get mr. c corp is not their friend..they only thing they have in common is their hate for racial equality (and anything that's different from them) and that's how mr. c corp controls them..ohhhhhhhhhh, does mr. c corp love the internal strife..it's part of their agenda to control 'we the people'.

when there is 'in-fighting' everyone's too busy to notice what's going on around them..honestly, we are almost too late..it's now or never..bernie is right about that.
So if Bernie loses, will you shut up?


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected. You disproved pnwmystery's position "That means ISIS represents 0.01634% of Islam", not your own.

1.3 billion muslims and about 20k in ISIS. that works out to about 0.01634%, and a poll about the beliefs of american muslims put out by some retarded and biased hate group cannot change those numbers.

did you know that there are over 20,000 white americans in white power hate groups, and less than 200 million white americans?

that means that groups like the KKK are more representative of white americans than ISIS is representative of muslims.

but you are too dumb too grasp any of this.

go kill more people with fire, redtard.


Well-Known Member
dude..do you not understand fucking numbers? you say 80% is for and the article says 70% is against.

what's wrong sister's not home to cook you your dinner yet?

FTW: 68% is the mainstream in america; everything else is fringe faction. i bet 30% of whites surveyed think it's perfectly fine to ride the night in white sheets..
The article says 51% for. "A majority (51 percent) of Muslims surveyed said they "should have the choice of being governed according to shariah."