

Well-Known Member
Just keeps going and going and going... Like the energizer bunny.

Now the employee who set up the server is going to take the 5th because he thinks the investigation is partisan. When the fuck did we give up all legal consequences in this society? Pleading the 5th means you are protecting yourself from incrimination. What is supposedly criminal about the e-mail server? I thought everything was completely above board. So, why is the tech seeking legal immunity?

I am listening to the re-hash of all this today and Mrs. Clinton's clear statements that no classified e-mails were transmitted, etc. For a moment, let's say that she is telling the truth.

My question is then, what form of communication did she primarily use as secretary of state since she didnt use the e-mail server for all her classified communications. Was it carrier pigeon? It couldnt have been telephone since there would not be an easy record of it. Did she send and receive all her correspondence by snail mail? Smoke Signals? Tickertape?

Yes, all she has to do is explain to us the channels that she used for the classified stuff. Or is her next excuse that she never received or sent any classified stuff as Secretary of State... LOL!!!
He's a good trooper. He's going to fall on his sword to protect her. Chivalry is not dead..
In The Godfather they called them "Buffers"...
If there is no 'There' there, then he wouldnt have to fall on his sword, would he?

He will get immunity... Whether he is too afraid of the Clintons to talk is another matter. People who get in their way get dead...
If there is no 'There' there, then he wouldnt have to fall on his sword, would he?

He will get immunity... Whether he is too afraid of the Clintons to talk is another matter. People who get in their way get dead...
It's a rough sport they play..
another fake scandal.
I hope this one takes her down quick because I had no intention of voting for her. And it has nothing to do with all the bull shit manufactured scandals the Republikkklans have been throwing at her for 20+ years
another fake scandal.
I hope this one takes her down quick because I had no intention of voting for her. And it has nothing to do with all the bull shit manufactured scandals the Republikkklans have been throwing at her for 20+ years

Yeah, the FBI spends a lot of time investigating those... Oh wait...
Planned Parenthood
"Activist Judges"
The War on Christmas
Christian persecution

Don't quit your day job republican strategists..
White Water 6 years and a cum stained dress
Vince Foster
Couple of trailer park tramps
On and on and on.
My prediction:

She will be prosecuted, or plead guilty. She is a felon. It's black letter law. A fine will be imposed. She is done.

The Dems will elevate a different loon from the geriatric ward.
Just keeps going and going and going... Like the energizer bunny.

Now the employee who set up the server is going to take the 5th because he thinks the investigation is partisan. When the fuck did we give up all legal consequences in this society? Pleading the 5th means you are protecting yourself from incrimination. What is supposedly criminal about the e-mail server? I thought everything was completely above board. So, why is the tech seeking legal immunity?

I am listening to the re-hash of all this today and Mrs. Clinton's clear statements that no classified e-mails were transmitted, etc. For a moment, let's say that she is telling the truth.

My question is then, what form of communication did she primarily use as secretary of state since she didnt use the e-mail server for all her classified communications. Was it carrier pigeon? It couldnt have been telephone since there would not be an easy record of it. Did she send and receive all her correspondence by snail mail? Smoke Signals? Tickertape?

Yes, all she has to do is explain to us the channels that she used for the classified stuff. Or is her next excuse that she never received or sent any classified stuff as Secretary of State... LOL!!!


google servers are very secure, though..i wouldn't be surprised if they are as secure or more than .gov
My prediction:

She will be prosecuted, or plead guilty. She is a felon. It's black letter law. A fine will be imposed. She is done.

The Dems will elevate a different loon from the geriatric ward.

that will become as true as the rest of your predictions. which is to say it won't, because you are 100% failure.

why did you join that white supremacy group though?
Hillary's criminal handling of classified material is certainly more damaging than that of General Patraeus, for example. He was convicted of a crime.

Hillary's crime is much worse than Sandy Berger's. Berger was convicted of a crime.

What is in the 32,000 "personal" emails Hillary deleted?

Prison is really the only acceptable place for the beast.
Hillary's criminal handling of classified material is certainly more damaging than that of General Patraeus, for example. He was convicted of a crime.

Hillary's crime is much worse than Sandy Berger's. Berger was convicted of a crime.

What is in the 32,000 "personal" emails Hillary deleted?

Prison is really the only acceptable place for the beast.

i think we all prefer to get our political analysis from someone who hasn't joined a white supremacy group.

go blather to your klan chapter, you'll have a much more receptive audience there.
My prediction:

She will be prosecuted, or plead guilty. She is a felon. It's black letter law. A fine will be imposed. She is done.

The Dems will elevate a different loon from the geriatric ward.
I'm sorry. You, are supposed to post this in the thread.
"How dumb is the GOP?"
My prediction:

She will be prosecuted, or plead guilty. She is a felon. It's black letter law. A fine will be imposed. She is done.

The Dems will elevate a different loon from the geriatric ward.


(1) BACHMANN WARNED ‘THE LION KING’ WAS GAY PROPAGANDA: At the November 2004 EdWatch National Education Conference, Bachmann said the “normalization” of homosexuality would lead to “desensitization”: “Very effective way to do this with a bunch of second graders, is take a picture of ‘The Lion King’ for instance, and a teacher might say, ‘Do you know that the music for this movie was written by a gay man?’ The message is: I’m better at what I do, because I’m gay.”

(2) BACHMANN CLAIMED ABOLISHING THE MINIMUM WAGE WOULD CREATE JOBS: While testifying in front of the Minnesota Senate in 2005, Bachmann said, “Literally, if we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.” This isn’t remotely true. Even simply reducing the minimum wage would, as Paul Krugman noted, “at best do nothing for employment; more likely it would actually be contractionary.”

(3) BACHMANN CLAIMED THAT SCIENTISTS ARE SUPPORTERS OF INTELLIGENT DESIGN: During a 2006 debate, Bachmann said, “There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.” This was, and is, not true.

(4) BACHMANN CLAIMED TERRI SCHIAVO WAS ‘HEALTHY’: Not long after Terri Schiavo died, Bachmann said she would have voted for the Palm Sunday Compromise because Schiavo “was healthy. She had brain damage — there was brain damage, there was no question. But from a health point of view, she was not terminally ill.” An autopsy found that Schiavo had suffered irreversible brain damage and her brain, said the medical examiner, was “profoundly atrophied.”

(5) BACHMANN LIKENED VISITING IRAQ TO VISITING MALL OF AMERICA: In 2007, Bachmann returned from a junket to Iraq and told her colleagues, “[T]here’s a commonality with the Mall of America, in that it’s on that proportion. There’s marble everywhere. The other thing I remarked about was there is water everywhere.” As ThinkProgress documented at the time, the comparison was preposterous.

(6) BACHMANN CLAIMED THAT CARBON DIOXIDE IS ‘HARMLESS’: In 2008, a Stanford scientist revealed “direct links” between increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and “increases in human mortality” — globally, he found that as many as “20,000 air-pollution-related deaths per year per degree Celsius may be due to this greenhouse gas.” The next year, Bachmann, who is not a scientist, said that “carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn’t even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas.”

(7) BACHMANN CALLED FOR A CONGRESSIONAL WITCH HUNT: Pivoting off the news of Barack Obama’s alleged relationship to former Weather Underground member William Ayers, and his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Bachmann accused the candidate of having “anti-American views.” She then suggested that Congressional liberals — including Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid — ought to be subject to “an exposé” by the media because of their views. “I think people would love to see like that,” she told a stunned Chris Matthews.

(8) BACHMANN SUGGESTED GAY SINGER SHOULD REPENT AFTER GETTING CANCER: Bachmann saw Melissa Etheridge’s cancer as a teachable moment: “Unfortunately she is now suffering from breast cancer, so keep her in your prayers,” she said in November 2004. “This may be an opportunity for her now to be open to some spiritual things, now that she is suffering with that physical disease. She is a lesbian.”

(9) BACHMANN BOASTED ABOUT BREAKING THE LAW: In advance of the 2010 national Census, Bachmann told The Washington Times that she would break the law by not completing the forms. “I know for my family, the only question we will be answering is how many people are in our home,” she said. “We won’t be answering any information beyond that, because the Constitution doesn’t require any information beyond that.”

(10) BACHMANN CLAIMED THAT GLENN BECK COULD SOLVE THE DEBT CRISIS: During a February trip to South Carolina, Bachmann told a South Carolina audience, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this [the national debt].”
I predicted months ago that Hillary is unelectable. She won't get the D nomination. She is a horrible human being. Her constant scandals are proof of her low character. Her bleats about poverty while owning two mansions show how utterly disconnected from reality she is. She is relatively popular with many Democrats, though becoming less so. It must suck to be a Democrat and have to hold your nose at the stench trailing in Hillary's wake.

Bernie is a much better person than Hillary, but he is too left for America. Not to mention old. Very old. In fact, there don't seem to be any young Democrats.

Joe Biden seems to be a decent guy, but he just seems too goofy to have his finger hovering over the launch button.

That leaves Elizabeth Warren, another ossified Democrat. She might be the only hope for Democrats in 2016. That ain't sayin' much.

The Republicans are a hot mess and busy cannibalizing each other. Trump is an interesting side show, but I cannot imagine him getting the nomination. In fact, I have no idea who might get the nomination in the dumb party.

I will vote Libertarian. I hope Gary Johnson runs.
I predicted months ago that Hillary is unelectable. She won't get the D nomination. She is a horrible human being. Her constant scandals are proof of her low character. Her bleats about poverty while owning two mansions show how utterly disconnected from reality she is. She is relatively popular with many Democrats, though becoming less so. It must suck to be a Democrat and have to hold your nose at the stench trailing in Hillary's wake.

Bernie is a much better person than Hillary, but he is too left for America. Not to mention old. Very old. In fact, there don't seem to be any young Democrats.

Joe Biden seems to be a decent guy, but he just seems too goofy to have his finger hovering over the launch button.

That leaves Elizabeth Warren, another ossified Democrat. She might be the only hope for Democrats in 2016. That ain't sayin' much.

The Republicans are a hot mess and busy cannibalizing each other. Trump is an interesting side show, but I cannot imagine him getting the nomination. In fact, I have no idea who might get the nomination in the dumb party.

I will vote Libertarian. I hope Gary Johnson runs.
Omg. A sensible post. except for the scandals part