Help with my PH. Won't seem to raise...


Well-Known Member
Hello all! This is the first time I've EVER experienced anything of this nature..
I recently added another nutrient to my the line I use and added some extra stuff that I felt would really accommodate what I desire.
Anyways, Recently I have made super strong and rich nutrient water. I mix accordingly as instructed on each bottle/container
Here is the current nute line I use:
FoxFarm Nutrient Line. (currently Tiger blood and BIg blood Plant food) With the addition of Sub Culture M, PHed at 6.0.

Just an FYI..
Now before anyone says anything negative about the particular nutes I'm using as I know many growers are against the Fox Farm Nute line, but I have had great success with this line, and after using 7 different lines of the said popular and most efficient nutes, I (personally) choose FF nute line.
The issue is not so much with the FF nute line I feel, it is this other nutrient I started to add into the mix.

The new Nutrient:

I always do research on how I can maximize my yields and potency, and I came across this stuff Here.
So, after adding this to the mix, I realized it dramatically lowered my PH. Now the last application of this mix, I dumped almost my whole bottle (12 oz.) of PH up into the mix, and it still barley fluctuated... According to the chart it was around 5.2-5.3... A bit to low for my liking... I got fed up and watered regardless..
Now the results was mind boggling... Within 2 days I saw effects.. The nugs almost doubled in size and and even the overall plant itself grew about 2 inches... Now obviously regardless of a low PH, my plants were able to intake the nutrients without getting locked out, and still showed good results.

However, It got me thinking... What if it was at the appropriate levels of PH for maximum uptake.
With that said,


I can't seem to get my PH to where I want it with this mix... See before I added the Floralicious Plus, after adding the nutes, it was exactly at 6.0! Now, after adding the Floralicious plus, it is about 5.0.. or lower..
I before work, dumped at least 1/4 of a 32.OZ PH up Bottle into the mix, and it didn't seem to change the PH at all!! I didn't have time to keep adding more. But I will of course try to get it at the right level when I return home.
The main thing I want to know... Is why the hell does my PH seem to not go up at all regardless of how much PH up I add to it? Or is it just so low, that I need to add a crap load of PH just to get it to where I want?

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
If your mix is too acidic, add an alkali like calcium carbonate, maybe use a calcium ph stabilizer like super sweet. Specific up/down products are a waste of money IMHO. pH can also be lowered with distilled white vinegar. One should stabilize pH by adding dolomite lime and hydrated lime before planting, it makes life easier.
If your ph meter is reading correctly then I would flush with the proper ph preferred and leave it alone for awhile.
I know your worrying about the low ph, but it obviously took in the nutrients, and doesn't look like anything bad has happened, imo I wouldn't flush, you could just make matters worse
I agree eith Wiethe, if youve truly added1/4 of a 32 oz bottle of ph up and no rise you should definitely check your ph pen. In a 5 gallon jug two cap fulls usually raise my ph over 1 to 1 1/2 points. Try the strips or the bottle tester and see how it reads. Also silica naturally raises ph plus its great for your plants. Good luck.
He saw a 2 inch change in only 2 days?????
In what? Soil?
I don't buy that BS!!!! Not for one minute! 5 days to "see" any change in a soil grow minimum....No matter what the pH
MAYBE a little change in new growth, but sure as hell not 2 inch's.....BS alarm going off.....

Use Baking Soda for up! A little goes a long way over bottled junk!

A 1 point difference in pH of in-going for soil is not a problem for well maintained soils with active and healthy Bio herds!

While not "organic" the product of mention is derived from organic sources....This could be the problem as G&H's organic line is notorious for low pH of the feed mix...

Hmmm, gotta wonder if it's Scotts way of fucking with MM growers using their newly purchased G&H line...????

They formulated MG to be bad for MM and did it on purpose! They admitted it in a press release when they bought G&H...
No I dont use pens as I feel they are never accurate. I use the drip solution and the colored chart. Hell maybe I was a bit exaggerated in my results, but the point I was getting at is I saw positive results... No need to blow this out of proportion lol @ Dr. Who.

Anyways, I am not flushing, no need. The only issue I have here, is stabilizing my PH within the nutrient water. The soil i have is already mixed, so to late to add dolomite lime and what not... Maybe next run I'll add that to the soil mixture.
SO ya not really sure why certain others felt the need to belittle me over questions and advice's I simply never asked for.. However, thanks to those who actually aimed to answer my questions rather than belittle.

Like I expressed earlier, I have tried many lines and this is the one I like, if you don't like it then KICK ROCKS!!! This is exactly why I expressed earlier above "JUST AN FYI" I dont care what your opinions are about my nute line, what I wanted to know, is why this Floralicious plus made my nutes so freakin acidic that I cant even balance it? Nothing more, nothing less.. I simply expressed all the other information as I like to be very specific in these types of situations. IF you want to speak on Floalicious, sure!! But don't speak on the rest of my line as they have proven to do the exact opposite of a majority of the people who said derogatory things about them. Theres a million ways to skin a cat in this sense, just because mine may differ from yours, doesn't mean it's inferior... But ey, what ever makes you feel good at night ;)

Dr.who did bring up a good point, I should test the run off... Because I have sub cools soil mixture. Well almost... So hopefully my soil will balance it on its own, which is why I saw positive results regardless of the PH before hand. I'll check that out.

Other than Dr.Who's rant of his opinions about my nutes, Thanks for the constructive criticism ! I can see that I'll have to tackle this one on my own I suppose :) thanks anyways! I do appreciate the baking soda trick, I'll try that out, never was a fan of these old school remedies but they seem to be very effective. The dawn soap and water trick worked way better than Neem oil IMO. We'll see, thanks yall!
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No I dont use pens as I feel they are never accurate. I use the drip solution and the colored chart. Hell maybe I was a bit exaggerated in my results, but the point I was getting at is I saw positive results... No need to blow this out of proportion lol @ Dr. Who.

Anyways, I am no flushing, no need. The only issue I have here, is stabilizing my PH within the nutrient water. The soil i have is already mixed, so to late to add dolomite lime and what not... Maybe next run I'll add that to the soil mixture.
SO ya not really sure why certain others felt the need to belittle me over questions and advice's I simply never asked for.. However, thanks to those who actually aimed to answer my questions rather than belittle.

Like I expressed earlier, I have tried many lines and this is the one I like, if you don't like it then KICK ROCKS!!! This is exactly why I expressed earlier above "JUST AN FYI" I dont care what your opinions are about my nute line, what I wanted to know, is why this Floralicious plus made my nutes so freakin acidic that I cant even balance it? Nothing more, nothing less.. I simply expressed all the other information as I like to be very specific in these types of situations. IF you want to speak on Floalicious, sure!! But don't speak on the rest of my line as they have proven to do the exact opposite of a majority of the people who said derogatory things about them. Theres a million ways to skin a cat in this sense, just because mine may differ from yours, doesn't mean it's inferior... But ey, what ever makes you feel good at night ;)

Other than Dr.Who's rant of his opinions about my nutes, Thanks for the constructive criticism ! I can see that I'll have to tackle this one on my own I suppose :) thanks anyways! I do appreciate the baking soda trick, I'll try that out, never was a fan of these old school remedies but they seem to be very effective. THe dawn soap and water trick worked way better than Neem oil IMO. We'll see, thank yall!

Ya know what - sorry to offend you, really....I was jacked about something/someone else...I was kinda hard though...

No insult to your nute line- if it works for you, it's good then.....Just trying to point out that the stuff does drop pH pretty hard..
BTW, I said nothing about FF nutes.....I don't have a problem with them or G&H for that matter......(Don't bring up AN)

Try the Baking soda out. Should work good..

Peace on dude

Ey, I really appreciate this response, to be honest, I as well was jacked up about something else currently in my personal life. So I as well apologies for even getting offended lol! Regardless, thanks very much for the input, as I always want to have an open mind towards every possible piece of beneficial knowledge/information. The baking soda worked great! nEVER AGAIN WILL i WASTE MONEY ON ph UP OR DOWN LOL! thanks so much for the help guys! As always, PEACE AND LOVE!!
Ey, I really appreciate this response, to be honest, I as well was jacked up about something else currently in my personal life. So I as well apologies for even getting offended lol! Regardless, thanks very much for the input, as I always want to have an open mind towards every possible piece of beneficial knowledge/information. The baking soda worked great! nEVER AGAIN WILL i WASTE MONEY ON ph UP OR DOWN LOL! thanks so much for the help guys! As always, PEACE AND LOVE!!
And that's what it's all about...gaining knowledge and improving, even if ya don't wanna hear the cold hard facts bongsmilie