Open Show and Tell 2015!

long story short :

Wifey steps on the dogs toy on the stairs and takes a good one ( not as bad as yours) fractured tail bone,concusion, bruised and sprained wrist, so she has some gnarly pills, well she hit her bag of goodies FM brought her ( TY ) and she starts laughing hysterically and confesses . LOL Says she can't feel her butt any more and the cookie is better then her meds and cortizone shot. She laughed for about 20 mins and fell asleep.LOL :mrgreen: She's been bed ridden for about a week now.
When she fell Chris and I weren't home. She said she layed on the floor for about an hour with the dogs sitting by her until she could get up. Took me two days to figure out how to get her to the doctor with out calling the paramedics she hurt so bad. I could of carried her but she wouldn't let me. In the middle of the day, she said she seen the toy on the way up the stairs and stepped on it the way down . Ahhhhhh ! :wall: wait ... double :wall: :wall:

That damn Kong is dangerous and almost got me one night .

Damn TWS, sorry to hear this...I have done the same exact thing (twice) sans the dog toy. That tailbone fracture is no joke. Please give your wife a (gentle) hug for me. I am so glad she got some relief from the cookies...these are the kind of stories I like to hear about them. Well, not that she fell of course ;) Wishing her a speedy recovery. daughter teases me that I even fall UP the stairs lol ;)
I applaud you all . I'm in my 3rd season and every year, thanks to you fine folks, I get deeper and deeper into our little hobby. If it wasn't for all the advice, tips and teachings I've gained from this forum I wouldn't be having the best grow yet! Respect! Much love!
Damn TWS, sorry to hear this...I have done the same exact thing (twice) sans the dog toy. That tailbone fracture is no joke. Please give your wife a (gentle) hug for me. I am so glad she got some relief from the cookies...these are the kind of stories I like to hear about them. Well, not that she fell of course ;) Wishing her a speedy recovery. daughter teases me that I even fall UP the stairs lol ;)

your up early today.