Thanks Obama!

Why don't you just admit you don't know a goddamn thing about the deal and are only parroting talking points by other retards like Tom Cotton?

C`mon paddy,...The"deal" is not the issue,...who you`re dealing with is.

Kerry needs advisers to speak concrete thickness and lead lined facilities,...I don`t.

All you need to ask yourself is Why?, Iran will posses the reactor and not host it.

That`s a thank Kerry.....Why that fact is not negotiable, is a thank Barry. So the deal can be whatever by whoever acting as the focus, therefore,.....not a factor in the danger.

Stuff you wont see in the US media are things that nobody realizes, til it`s too late. (Kerry`s kind) several mid East Countries host small generators with a kettle core for oil fields,...Putin is selling Russian over Chinese technology to them to own because of this ..."deal" Saudi Arabia may have or is getting REM bombs from Pakistan. to ensure Iran thinks twice,...there will be more to follow especially for poor little Kuwait again............

Ramses is still king warlord and George is still try`n to catch up..........
You're completely wrong, and let's not shit post at each other (That's how stupid I am? I studied this thank you very much.).

First Strike Capabilities = preemptive nuclear strike. First Strike Capabilities != possession. If this were true, we would've gone "Welp! Russians have first strike capabilities, no need to do Star Wars or a Missile Defense System!" Nor would we be as worried as we were about Russian subs getting close to our Atlantic/Pacific seaboard, nor would Russia be as worried about our subs getting close to their Eastern Seaboard. Sonar nets would've been a sinkhole of money.

First Strike Capabilities have always been, since the introduction of nuclear strategy in the 1950s one country's ability to launch a nuclear attack that disables another country's capability to launch a retaliatory strike, or for the attacker to survive a retaliatory strike. I invite you to go educate yourself on the matter.

Also your point of "The kind of bombs the US, Russia, and China can throw, make fuel as they burn and only stop because they have no where else to go. VERY LARGE BA BOOM......" shows a very limited understanding of how a fusion bomb works. This is what Teller thought about Thermonuclear weapons and how they would light the entire atmosphere on fire because of the hydrogen thus destroying the planet. Yes thermonuclear weapons are an uncontrolled fusion reaction, but no, that's not entirely how it works because all the fuel is contained in the bomb itself.

Also, that part where Iran is going to reduce their stockpile of LEU (Low Enriched Uranium)? Guess what LEU is? U-235. U-235 is also necessary for light water reactors to produce energy. Yes, that's right, U-235 is critical to civilian nuclear energy production and military weapons production. However, to make U-235 weapons grade you need highly enriched uranium (90%+ U-235), not LEU (3-4% U-235).

Also you failed to notice that Iran will not be getting any new types of centrifuges but will be forced to use their IR1s, their least efficient type of centrifuge whereas their IR2Ms will be placed in storage and their enrichment capacity will be limited to Natanz plant (which will be under IAEA supervision). Moreover the Arak Heavy Water Research Reactor (IR-40) will be modernized and rebuilt so that it can only be used for peaceful purposes thus minimizing its ability to produce plutonium and eliminating its ability to enrich weapons grade plutonium.

And your worry about somehow LEU becoming HEU via the waste process of a reactor (????) - the IAEA will have a multilayering monitoring of the entire uranium chain in Iran from its mining to its waste. What's more important here is that: Iran has agreed to this.

So before you say "Thanks Obama for stopping Iran from making a clandestine nuclear weapons program that in the long run is much much much more dangerous than what's currently happening," say "Thanks United States, China, Russia, United Kingdom, France and Germany," because we didn't negotiate this on our own, the P5 (US, PRC, RF, UK, France) + Germany did.
Iran has been chosen to be the Mid East superpower,...I don`t like that choice,...I`d rather see the bomb go to Cypress.
Iran has been chosen to be the Mid East superpower,...I don`t like that choice,...I`d rather see the bomb go to Cypress.
You don't know a goddamn thing about Iran except what other retards like Tom Cotton have told you


First Strike Capabilities = preemptive nuclear strike. First Strike Capabilities != possession. If this were true, we would've gone "Welp! Russians have first strike capabilities, no need to do Star Wars or a Missile Defense System!" Nor would we be as worried as we were about Russian subs getting close to our Atlantic/Pacific seaboard, nor would Russia be as worried about our subs getting close to their Eastern Seaboard. Sonar nets would've been a sinkhole of money.

First Strike Capabilities have always been, since the introduction of nuclear strategy in the 1950s one country's ability to launch a nuclear attack that disables another country's capability to launch a retaliatory strike, or for the attacker to survive a retaliatory strike. I invite you to go educate yourself on the matter.

Also your point of "The kind of bombs the US, Russia, and China can throw, make fuel as they burn and only stop because they have no where else to go. VERY LARGE BA BOOM......" shows a very limited understanding of how a fusion bomb works. This is what Teller thought about Thermonuclear weapons and how they would light the entire atmosphere on fire because of the hydrogen thus destroying the planet. Yes thermonuclear weapons are an uncontrolled fusion reaction, but no, that's not entirely how it works because all the fuel is contained in the bomb itself.

Also, that part where Iran is going to reduce their stockpile of LEU (Low Enriched Uranium)? Guess what LEU is? U-235. U-235 is also necessary for light water reactors to produce energy. Yes, that's right, U-235 is critical to civilian nuclear energy production and military weapons production. However, to make U-235 weapons grade you need highly enriched uranium (90%+ U-235), not LEU (3-4% U-235).

Also you failed to notice that Iran will not be getting any new types of centrifuges but will be forced to use their IR1s, their least efficient type of centrifuge whereas their IR2Ms will be placed in storage and their enrichment capacity will be limited to Natanz plant (which will be under IAEA supervision). Moreover the Arak Heavy Water Research Reactor (IR-40) will be modernized and rebuilt so that it can only be used for peaceful purposes thus minimizing its ability to produce plutonium and eliminating its ability to enrich weapons grade plutonium.

And your worry about somehow LEU becoming HEU via the waste process of a reactor (????) - the IAEA will have a multilayering monitoring of the entire uranium chain in Iran from its mining to its waste. What's more important here is that: Iran has agreed to this.

So before you say "Thanks Obama for stopping Iran from making a clandestine nuclear weapons program that in the long run is much much much more dangerous than what's currently happening," say "Thanks United States, China, Russia, United Kingdom, France and Germany," because we didn't negotiate this on our own, the P5 (US, PRC, RF, UK, France) + Germany did.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, didn`t realize the thin skin.

When Iran get`s to the point of using a HOT bomb first strike capable as you understand it, will make one airburst over Israel and it will be over for them. They cannot defend against covert entry, they are land-tied. there will not be a nuclear retaliation attempt by a country that claims to have HOT weapons. There are at least thirty Nations that can suffer the same fate should Iran go mad.

The US, I can see it, not you,.....A bomb of unknown origin has detonated in the locks on the Suez Canal in the gulf part,...The US infrastructure will rapidly decline over the next year and then collapse for prolly 25 or more. So,...Who should the US shoot at ?

You see the chart, that`s Fusion, Iran will be getting the Fission menu. It tells me what you know about all that LEU, UDT, Ikea shit you said.

And BTW,`s 85%
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You don't know a goddamn thing about Iran except what other retards like Tom Cotton have told you


I also have nothing against Iran, My dentist is Iranian,`s those damn guys running the place. Iran should be the example there by now without Nuclear tec. but they are not. I have nothing against Iraq or Israel either,`s those guys swinging the swords,....what was your point again ?
I also have nothing against Iran, My dentist is Iranian,`s those damn guys running the place. Iran should be the example there by now without Nuclear tec. but they are not. I have nothing against Iraq or Israel either,`s those guys swinging the swords,....what was your point again ?
What's the difference between Salman and Khamenei?
There`s a thousand answers to that question,...
No, the difference is Saudi Arabia sells us oil and Iran doesn't

Ideologically, they are identical (only difference being one is Sunni and the other is Shia). The only reason we (the US government and idiots like you) support Saudi Arabia and dictators like Salam is because it's good for American business. The only reason we don't support religious ideologues like Khamenei is because they don't share their resources to enrich America.

None of this has anything to do with nuclear weapons
No, the difference is Saudi Arabia sells us oil and Iran doesn't

Ideologically, they are identical (only difference being one is Sunni and the other is Shia). The only reason we (the US government and idiots like you) support Saudi Arabia and dictators like Salam is because it's good for American business. The only reason we don't support religious ideologues like Khamenei is because they don't share their resources to enrich America.

None of this has anything to do with nuclear weapons

They don`t weigh the same, they don`t look the same, they aren`t spelled the same, they have different taste in women, food cars,....Ask another loaded question dude, you`ll appear smarter.....
Until recently, the US didn`t talk to Iran in like 40+ years,...Bringing up "wont sell us oil",....sells it`self.........
They don`t weigh the same, they don`t look the same, they aren`t spelled the same, they have different taste in women, food cars,....Ask another loaded question dude, you`ll appear smarter.....
Ideologically what's the difference? What is it about Salam that makes him a US ally?
I just told you the truth. You can make up and believe whatever bullshit you want. Fact is we don't go to war for the fuzzy-feel good bullshit our government tells us, we go to war to protect American economic interests
I just told you the truth. You can make up and believe whatever bullshit you want. Fact is we don't go to war for the fuzzy-feel good bullshit our government tells us, we go to war to protect American economic interests

No you didn`t.

Protecting American economic interests is grounds to go to war., not an act. While our Constitution prohibits what you say, it does not include stepping stones.

And,...I think that if Iran was where Saudi Arabia is and Saudi Arabia was located where Iran sits now,...Iran would be our friend and Saudi Arabia would get a maybe,... if.

Without Saudi Arabia, The US would not have been able to put the kind of firepower needed back in 1990 to liberate Kuwait.

Without Saudi Arabia today in 2015, the Suez and Persian Gulf would be no go zones for vital shipping. We`re not an industrialized Nation anymore and depend on that Canal.

We haven`t declared war since the big one. The US can`t hide that.

Food stamps come from that tiny sliver marked "agriculture". Just keep whinging about people "getting free shit" but bury your Donald Trump loving heads in the dirt whenever facts threaten to destroy your fantasies about austerity.

Why`s the Admin. so big ? Bet Trump can shrink that pretty quick......
Protecting American economic interests is grounds to go to war.
No the fuck it's not. The job of the US military is to protect American citizens, not American corporations that steal foreign resources

What if some other country tried to pull this shit? They come into America and steal our resources and then kill our people if we try to fight back against it? Would you say the same thing for them too? "They're just protecting their economic interests..."

And,...I think that if Iran was where Saudi Arabia is and Saudi Arabia was located where Iran sits now,...Iran would be our friend and Saudi Arabia would get a maybe,... if.

Without Saudi Arabia, The US would not have been able to put the kind of firepower needed back in 1990 to liberate Kuwait.

Without Saudi Arabia today in 2015, the Suez and Persian Gulf would be no go zones for vital shipping. We`re not an industrialized Nation anymore and depend on that Canal.

We haven`t declared war since the big one. The US can`t hide that.
"Strategic location"...

Do a little research:–United_States_relations
No the fuck it's not. The job of the US military is to protect American citizens, not American corporations that steal foreign resources

What if some other country tried to pull this shit? They come into America and steal our resources and then kill our people if we try to fight back against it? Would you say the same thing for them too? "They're just protecting their economic interests..."

"Strategic location"...

Do a little research:–United_States_relations

You are a lot confused and should never lead.

American economic interests reflect directly to the lives of American citizens, ..... starving someone to death is still killing them.

You need to be clear about the stealing of resources, far it`s just hearsay from you. What resources are we stealing and from who ?

Yes, if we are invaded by thieves that kill, they will be met with a big stick.

Yes, Saudi Arabia is stratigicly located and must not turn on the US and police the only two choke points in the world that can harm our citizens. Why do you think there are treaties for that canal and waterways ?

I suggest you remain a follower...........