White Widow grow


Active Member
looks good bro, hopefully u can upgrade to HPS for flowering. Ive got my WW vegging @ 6 weeks now. Gonna take some clones tomorrow then put them to 12/12. I sure hope they root since its my first try cloning. All 4 look so nice i hate to cut from them. lol


Well-Known Member
very nice white widow grow its good to see sum1 who can actually post honest results best of luck with it all bro i will be keeping an eeye on this 1.


Well-Known Member
i am trying my best with them and they are alot better than my previous grow seeing as i upgraded my lights for these ones there not perfect for the job but there alot better than the ones i used last time.

they are growing alot better now the temp is rite and added a good fan

cheers buds


Well-Known Member
you got to remember that this community prefers everyone add their own threads so a lot of people look but never say anything.

I myself rarely add to threads.......

Im interested to see what you end up with. I like the looks of the white family and have a morbid fascination with everyone's growing. Its the best sociology/science experiment to see unfold on the planet.


Well-Known Member
i agree with you on that all plants are different and grow differently under all sorts of lighting
mine are just getting better and better everytime i grow

i aint got a clue at what sort of yeild i will get from all my plants but hope its enough to buy myself a 2nd hand car cos mine will be off the road in 2 weeks and i cant afford to buy one yet.

cheers bud

you got to remember that this community prefers everyone add their own threads so a lot of people look but never say anything.

I myself rarely add to threads.......

Im interested to see what you end up with. I like the looks of the white family and have a morbid fascination with everyone's growing. Its the best sociology/science experiment to see unfold on the planet.


Well-Known Member
gl with trying to get some money for a car. im hoping to get abit of money to pay for some stuff for our new born which is due in a week.

how many widows have u got? how far are they? my widow is looking great with just CFL's.

depending on how much an ounce goes round in ur area i think u should get quite abit. i was planning on 500-600quid from 8 plant but few of them died from seed and couple arnt showing sex and have had the stem snapped, so really i only have 4 plants now. hoping for about 300ish plus about 100 from selling my cfls.

anyways, gl! cant wait to see some bud shots ;)


Well-Known Member
ive got 11 widows they have just started budding all except the biggest one

yeh i am hopeing to get around £2000 off all of them in my area i sell at £130 an ounce and have loads of buyers

if i get £1000 that will pay for my next car lol

i wont be selling my lights i might just have another go and grow about 20 and get my shed full but i will see

congrats on creating a child they are great but also a headache lol


Well-Known Member
ive got 11 widows they have just started budding all except the biggest one

yeh i am hopeing to get around £2000 off all of them in my area i sell at £130 an ounce and have loads of buyers

if i get £1000 that will pay for my next car lol

i wont be selling my lights i might just have another go and grow about 20 and get my shed full but i will see

congrats on creating a child they are great but also a headache lol
thats about the same price round here. but the difference is, its all shit weed here. i was talkin to my m8 and he thinks i could sell widow for 175 an ounce bcoz it will be realy good stuff and better than anything else in the area. if ur paying that price u know its been grown proper.

anyway have to see how much i get 1st and see how well the dry and cure goes.

yeah, im planning on buyin some baby toys for my son out of the grow, he could do with one of those 'mobiles' that u hang across his car seat. they like pulling them and they make a sound too.

id keep growing more for profit as im quitting smoking pot when my sons here (after my harvest,hehe) but id feel im getting too cocky and id get caught some how.

anyway... GL again, sure ull yield enough.


Well-Known Member
good luck to you too well my last grow i started with 10 but some die and gave some away to some old folks with ailement problems just to help them out
yeh my last grow ended up being 4 plants which i grew from 4 energy saving bulbs like u would find it a bedroom the bayonet fit types my plants grew ok but there wasnt enough light thats why i upgraded to 4 5 foot floras i know people keep saying more lights but i cant afford anymore just yet plus there is alot more light compared to last time

well i hope u get enough cash for ya baby

p.s i dont smoke weed or do any drugs at all lol so i`m not smoking the profit lol
i would sell at a higher price but round here they would rather spend less so maybe after this grow al put my prices up a little

ta ta for now


Well-Known Member
buds are getting there m8! ive just noticed a huge growth in mine. im waiting for the crystals to fill out abit more b4 i take pics though bcoz my camera wont capture it well enough.

keep it goin


Well-Known Member
same here the difference over the last few days has been quite umbelievable as stated in my post these plants are growing a hell of alot better than my last grow



Well-Known Member
I wondered if you are running a fan on these? The stems seem a little thin. A stronger fan might build them up so they can support the buds.



Well-Known Member
yes i do have a fan but wasnt sure wether to leave it on when the lights are on as i thought it might stunt the growth ???


Well-Known Member
ok well i put it on the light timer so it will come on when the lights are on
cheers bud


Well-Known Member
ok well i put it on the light timer so it will come on when the lights are on
cheers bud

I run my fans 24/7, Good circulation is a must and it helps build strong stems. Yeah it will stunt height grow but not strength growth! I like my plants to be strong before i induce 12/12.

Have you every seen a harvest with strings all holing up the buds? Week stems.

There is only one type of bud that grows on a big stem! Big bud :mrgreen:
