I want to smoke a fat joint but no snacks/food and it's literally 2am?

I have not had munchies in 5+ years. How did i do it? Simple, i survive off of three meals a day. Tell yourself you already ate or eat before you smoke. It feels better anyway to smoke on a full stomach.
thats why you always have to have butter and bread and cheese. grilled cheese on deck. also can of chili beans, grated cheese, fritos corn chips, sour creame, and what ever else you want to thro in. makes a nice taco salad. just mix it all in a bowl. get a 10 pound bag of potatoes for 1 or 2 bucks and some nacho cheese and tortillas and bacon. now you got yourself a cheesey potato burito from taco bell.
gotta be prepared man..... just gotta be prepared... If you don't want this to happen agian man get your life together.... go grocery shopping man....