Mohican's 2015 Season

I am a power hitting mofo compared to just about every fucker I know and like to feel the lung expansion, but not at the cost of dying like my dad of non-small-cell lung carcinoma.
I bought a vape pen that burns flowers and its sux ass and tastes like ass too. You can't even tell if you got a hit and it tastes like the rubber mouthpiece when you do. $100 to just sit in a drawer unused. My question is, is a volcano different? I want to feel like there is something in my lungs and actually taste the herb, like Mohican mentioned.
yup, that's why I clean clean clean my bong just not into tasting some ass , like some stoners around here do.;) lol
I have had my Volcano for like 5 years, its awesome. You will go through your weed a lot quicker though. at least if you do it DAT way.:)

I fill the chamber and usually one do 3 maybe 4 full balloons and toss the used herb.
The first balloon is always weakest, but has the most flavor
The second balloon is stronger and the flavor still hints through
The third balloon is even stronger but the vape starts to get a burn taste and becomes harsh.

I switch up between my big bong and my baby bong, my Volcano and my Pinnacle Pro Portable Vape PEn, which is really really good.
You will feel the vape from the volcano and feel it in your lungs, I think you would really like it.
its just kinda goofy sucking on a balloon like that but I grew up sucking on whip its so it just feels natural:weed:
I bought a vape pen that burns flowers and its sux ass and tastes like ass too. You can't even tell if you got a hit and it tastes like the rubber mouthpiece when you do. $100 to just sit in a drawer unused. My question is, is a volcano different? I want to feel like there is something in my lungs and actually taste the herb, like Mohican mentioned.
dude honestly go and find someone with a volcano and have a vape or two from it with some cured right weed. no burnt smell like when you roll pure, unless you're one of those guys that likes to feel the rasp to know you've had a hit. I would lay money you'd go right out and get a volcano. the handheld they do is called the mighty and it's worth every penny too.
Yeah, those volcanos are awesome. Vape pens don't compare. Wish I could afford one!
I agree SG's volcano is the only vap i have enjoyed smoking.
Work is great! It is so nice to be solving problems. I do miss my garden. The Animal Cookies got wilted on Wednesday. I have been stingy with water trying to avoid the PM it is try to get. Should I just harvest early?
I would rather have early perfect buds than ripe moldy buds. The stuff I chopped two weeks ago was so sticky! I need to sample some and see what it is like. I may take a big cola now and let the others ripen a bit more. I took a picture but it came out fuzzy:

Here it was a month ago:

It is the plant itself. It transpires heavily. I have had to thin it out 3 times and remove some bad branches. It has much better air movement and no overlapping leaves or colas. It was so hard to chop big colas off of her that were just starting to get solid flowers. I was so sticky :)
I love your worm setup. I need to upgrade my garden to drip. I had those same sprinklers that have the rubber knob. They just kept putting out less and less. I have a prototype I invented that has been running outside for three years and my crappy grounds keepers have not been able to break it yet. Once the bank account is filled back up and the CCs are all paid off, I can run the system fully throughout the back garden. Then I might run a few Raspberry Pi boards to manage the whole system.

It is the plant itself. It transpires heavily. I have had to thin it out 3 times and remove some bad branches. It has much better air movement and no overlapping leaves or colas. It was so hard to chop big colas off of her that were just starting to get solid flowers. I was so sticky :)
shame man, some plants are just too dense sometimes. still if the smokes good it's worth the extra work eh
Work is great! It is so nice to be solving problems. I do miss my garden. The Animal Cookies got wilted on Wednesday. I have been stingy with water trying to avoid the PM it is try to get. Should I just harvest early?
Use a fan to keep the air moving around it. Also you can try potassium bicarbonate. Same as baking soda but with potassium (good for plant) instead of sodium (bad for plant). THey use it in wine making. I have some I use it on my roses if you want some. GT