You're probably too new. It should be on the bottom right of postsmaybe a stupid question but how do i like posts? i see my own post is liked so should be possible but cant find that "like"-button can someone tell me please where i have to look? i see so many things i like so would share my thoughts if i could
greets sin
You're probably too new. It should be on the bottom right of posts
View attachment 3490221 Docs og putting on the resin early this year in my ghouse. They are in coco and I have shade cloth on the ghouse. View attachment 3490221
Hellmutt do you grow your own meds? If so have you thought of getting hold of the two strains you mentioned? Just trying to help ya.Any good strains for Insomnia i have a bad case of insomnia. Had some Amnesia that seemed to work well also some cannatonic that allways did the tric but no longer have any.
Thank you in advanced.
Strain tolerance is my problm. So im looking for a new strainHellmutt do you grow your own meds? If so have you thought of getting hold of the two strains you mentioned? Just trying to help ya.
Thanks man I'll be posting more of this as she plumps up
am here lookin out for em... should be some very good sjit when its done... actualy thought of getting the docs too but in the end i deceided on the scott's. was really in doubt about the docs, the flo og and the 501st it was a hard decision and could have gone either way but scott reach made me choose the scotts in one of his video's
it was the mistery around it and scott saying ÿou only name so many strains after yourself that did it for me so the scott's i have hehehe
few pics of my 3 little ones (no flowers yet but i think they look very beautifull allready) am really pleased i got them now
scott's og #1
View attachment 3490520
scott's og #2
View attachment 3490522
scott's og #3
View attachment 3490519
they are at 21 days of veg here and really have some nice big leaves on them
greets Sin
Oh u mean cross pollinate?Hellmutt do you grow your own meds? If so have you thought of getting hold of the two strains you mentioned? Just trying to help ya.
No sorry my bad. I meant just getting hold of those two strains and growing them outOh u mean cross pollinate?