Disgraced ’19 Kids’ Star Josh Duggar Named in Ashley Madison Leak

Its the parents choice to mutilate their child?

you're a vile disgusting individual

He also thinks it's fine to use government to bring him what he wants and then at the same time use government to criminalize the actions of other people who aren't as Prohibition minded as he is.
Yes it is. Been that way for a couple thousand years

So, because a thing that is inherently wrong, forcing an unable to consent person to submit to physical mutilation, has been practiced for a long time, that somehow makes it right?

Are you saying that the frequency of performing something inherently evil makes it "not evil" ?
A few relevant facts may surprise you. Circumcision is the only surgery in history ever advocated as a widespread means of preventing disease. When such claims are investigated by national medical organizations, they are found lacking. That's why no such organization in the world recommends circumcision. Over 80% of the world's males are not circumcised. Though many people associate circumcision with Jews, most circumcised males are Muslims. The United States has the highest rate of non-religious circumcisions of male infants in the world (32.5%). (The American rate peaked around 1965 at about 85%.) American circumcision rates vary widely depending on the region of the country.

In the continuous effort of certain American male investigators to seek a medical benefit, the potential adverse effects of circumcision have been ignored. Expanding the circumcision debate beyond medicine is overdue, and women have good reasons to be involved. Critically examining circumcision from psychological and sexual perspectives could show how this cultural practice may affect some mothers of circumcised sons, some women in relationships with men, and society. Before we consider these issues, let's review a few of the effects of circumcision on infants.

A variety of studies confirm that newborn infant responses to pain are similar to and greater than those in adult subjects. Robert Van Howe, M.D., a Michigan pediatrician who has authored numerous studies about circumcision, describes the infant's response. "Circumcision results in not only severe pain but also an increased risk of choking and difficulty breathing. Medical studies show significant increases in heart rate and level of blood stress hormone. Some infants do not cry because they go into shock from the overwhelming pain of the surgery." According to clinical definitions and researchers' reports, circumcision is traumatic. Even when pain medication is used (local injection, the best option tested), it relieves only some of the pain, the effect is inconsistent, and it wanes before the post-operative pain does. General anesthesia is not considered safe for newborn infants.

Increased awareness of extreme circumcision pain by Jewish mothers has contributed to growing questioning and forgoing of circumcision by some Jews, as reported in dozens of articles appearing in mainstream Jewish publications on the topic in recent years. Five rabbis endorse a book that questions Jewish circumcision.
look at these two little "sovereign" d0uchebags go. you can tell they are very extremely insecure about their ugly, unloved penises.

i'm circumcised, and it sure doesn't look mutilated to me. it looks so damn nice that i've posted pictures of my penis multiple times on this website.

i would post pictures of some large, circumcised black penises if rolli didn't get so mad about it.

circumcised penises are beautiful. many women won't touch anything else.
Ok ChesusRice, I'll explain it in a simple way...

NOONE should put the penis of a baby in their mouth.

It's the disgusting act of a pedophile, regardless of your politics.

there's nothing sexual about the act, you are sexualizing it. like a pedophile would.

parents don't pay people to do pedo stuff to their newborns while they watch.
Ok ChesusRice, I'll explain it in a simple way...

NOONE should put the penis of a baby in their mouth.

It's the disgusting act of a pedophile, regardless of your politics.
It's disgusting
It's not a sexual act.
What kind of sick mind do you have?
I knew you hated Jews, but had no idea how twisted you really were
Most Jews aren't pedophiles.

Most Jews don't suck baby dick nor would support it.

You're literally trolling yourself and it is GLORIOUS.
And you are right.
Except It's not a pedophile act disgusting as it may be

If you weren't such a anti-Semite people would take your anti Zionist views More seriously
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And you are right.
Except It's not a pedophile act disgusting as it may be

If you weren't such a anti-Semite people would take your anti Zionist views More seriously

even though harrekin comes off as a 4'11'' angry racist little 14 year old who just read ayn rand, he claims to have a kid.

if he did, that child had to be bathed.

by harrekin's own standards, that makes harrekin a pedophile.

bad enough that he's a racist anti-semite, but the sexualization he does with kids is pretty fucked too.
Its Still Fucking Child Abuse!! But because You attach bullshit "Cult" History to the Act You deem it OK? ffs!! Its 2015 not the Fookin Dark Ages!! Anyone found/caught committing this offence should be charged with CHILD ABUSE!
Its Still Fucking Child Abuse!! But because You attach bullshit "Cult" History to the Act You deem it OK? ffs!! Its 2015 not the Fookin Dark Ages!! Anyone found/caught committing this offence should be charged with CHILD ABUSE!

then we have to charge parents everywhere with child abuse for bathing their children.

or you can just stop sexualizing children you sick fucking perv.
Its CHILD ABUSE! comparing it to bathing a child? wtf!!.. what a Muppet, but hey You are a Religious Nut Bag.. just because a Made up Story and a History of Abuse to Children is allowed in Your chosen "Cult" does not make it right!

You Do understand abuse is abuse... Who said anything about sex? oh yeah YOU!

So You condone child abuse... ffs! crawl back under Ya rock.. ..

i'm jewish though, so suck it.

i know who i'd rape.

All People Need To Know About You ^^^^ Disgusting Excuse for a Human Being!!
Its CHILD ABUSE! comparing it to bathing a child? wtf!!.. what a Muppet, but hey You are a Religious Nut Bag.. just because a Made up Story and a History of Abuse to Children is allowed in Your chosen "Cult" does not make it right!

You Do understand abuse is abuse... Who said anything about sex? oh yeah YOU!

So You condone child abuse... ffs! crawl back under Ya rock.. ..

All People Need To Know About You ^^^^ Disgusting Excuse for a Human Being!!

you have any kids, Cici?
Its Still Fucking Child Abuse!! But because You attach bullshit "Cult" History to the Act You deem it OK? ffs!! Its 2015 not the Fookin Dark Ages!! Anyone found/caught committing this offence should be charged with CHILD ABUSE!
Child abuse how?