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I don't think finshaggy believes Jews should be allowed to suck baby penis

Indeed, it would be a rare baby that had the wherewithal to consent to Rabbi Buck and his gaping jaws.

I'd even go so far as to say a baby can't consent to these kinds of actions.
Indeed, it would be a rare baby that had the wherewithal to consent to Rabbi Buck and his gaping jaws.

I'd even go so far as to say a baby can't consent to these kinds of actions.

Babies are unable to consent to any form of circumcision its a barbaric practice imo

the fact Jews want to also use it as an excuse for pedophilia is vile beyond belief
Babies are unable to consent to any form of circumcision its a barbaric practice imo

the fact Jews want to also use it as an excuse for pedophilia is vile beyond belief

Genital mutilation of an unwilling and unable to consent baby is another one of those things people do, not because it makes sense, but because "we've always done it that way" substitutes for a reasonable answer.

Human beings are technologically advancing, but are still mired in barbarism and sychophantic regurgitations.
Genital mutilation of an unwilling and unable to consent baby is another one of those things people do, not because it makes sense, but because "we've always done it that way" substitutes for a reasonable answer.

Human beings are technologically advancing, but are still mired in barbarism and sychophantic regurgitations.

I hear in the USA its a money spinner for hospitals, they perform a circumcision routinely, you have to opt out ?
sounds disgusting to me, but then again i am from the UK circumcision has not been normal practice here for over 30 years

what i find hypocritical is those who tend to support circumcision of boys, are the first to cry about genital mutilation of girls

there are various forms of female circumcision, some would be equivalent to male circumcision
removal of the clitoral hood would be the same as removing the foreskin

maybe if unclebuck were not infertile and could father a daughter
perhaps he could make a JEW case for biting off clitoral hoods of baby girls ?
I hear in the USA its a money spinner for hospitals, they perform a circumcision routinely, you have to opt out ?
sounds disgusting to me, but then again i am from the UK circumcision has not been normal practice here for over 30 years

One of the problems with a compliant and emotionally dependent population is it inverts the idea that freedom should be the default position and instead creates "norms" that have nothing do with common sense and stifles any examination of why things are done.

Obedience to the norm becomes the rule, even if the norm is nonsensical or contradictory.

Government schools play a role in that brain washing just as they were intended to.
you crop baby foreskin like you crop dog ears, disgusting
