You say Ken bashed DVG at the cup in public, then turn around and say it was a private conversation. Was he taking to you?
See what you did king?
All you had to do was answer the you got Amos on a
laughing too hard... who the fuck cares... it will just lead to more shit tossing...
I'm just asking you to back up your comments. I think a lot of us would like to know Kens side of the story.
Were you at the Cup where he bashed DVG? Can you give us an idea of what he said?
I feel ya,but it's the internet....i dont find it amusing.. i find it ignorant...
you think i would give you info? after your comments towards me? please ignore me...
My comments towards you? Aww you poor guy, can dish it out but can't take it.
It's pretty clear you don't have any info and are just talking out your ass, again.
umm putting words in my mouth again... what have i dished out?? saying its your decision to pick which story you want to believe???
more like all you did was talk shit...
the few peeps here that do know me.
know where i get my info..
I'm just asking you to back up your comments. I think a lot of us would like to know Kens side of the story.
Were you at the Cup where he bashed DVG? Can you give us an idea of what he said?
i've already told a few peeps about the situation. its more of a personal thing. not everybody needs to know....
Beemo just wants to pretend that he's got the inside scoop on all the breeders. Makes him feel important.
How am I supposed to choose what story to believe if I only have one side of the story?
i've already told a few peeps about the situation. its more of a personal thing. not everybody needs to know....
That right there tells me all I need to know...How am I supposed to choose what story to believe if I only have one side of the story? You act like you have some kind of info none of us have but won't tell us because I some how offended you? Damn you're dense and petty.
It's right there in the signature:
" If you want it, you got to learn it, then you got to build it, and then you can earn it "
~James Brown~
Can ya dig it?