why are you making light of the actual oppression that blacks face in this nation?
does racial oppression seem like a joke to you?
Well.... Lets start with the callbacks thing.... I run a small buisness and if someone comes to me for a job, i will NEVER call them back. If tjey want the job bad enough they will call me to follow up. I was taught that in middle school that waiting for a callback reduces your chance of getting a job.
"Blacklivesmatter" gives the impression that other lives dont matter. Where is their outrage for the cop shot getting gas? I guess he deserved it since he was white...
Black oppression still exists, but if a white guy set a CVS on fire he'd be in prison.
White people are not allowed to be angry at any blacks or they are deemed racists and bigots right?
And yeah, i make jokes. Im just a funny guy like that. Kiss my ass if you dont like it.
Your the worst type of troll, you cant even think for yourself and just spit back what you read from those slanted liberal facebook news sites.
Ever been to prison UncleFuck? You learn alot about race in prison. You watch as the Blacks try to get all predatory on young white guys. Its a fact, if your a little white guy in prison (not county jail but actual prison) you are discriminated against from the moment you get off the bus. They use thug mentality to control and manipulate people. Sure, not all of them do it, but most.
Ever visit north Philly? Kensington ave? Same fucking thing....