Disgraced ’19 Kids’ Star Josh Duggar Named in Ashley Madison Leak

What if that "pedophile" was an 18 year old young man that banged your hypothetical underage, but willing daughter and they both had professed their undying love for each other? What if that "pedophile" had fathered your grand child and was doing everything in his power to care and love for your daughter and their child?

Burn him at the stake ? Force him to fold laundry, but not give him the key to the closet where you hide your secret lingerie stash?

Also, you never addressed how on one hand you can advocate for forced human relations (forced funding of government schools) but on the other hand disavow them. Isn't that a contradiction?
I blame this on your mother, for letting you watch her fuck your father. She should have kicked you out of the room instead of saying " baby watch me cowboy "
I'm just curious as to why @Rob Roy think it is ok for a pedophile to have the right to live next to a school ?

I'm curious why on one hand you (correctly) disavow the use of initiatory force in human relations, then on the other you embrace it.

Also, you jumped to a conclusion. I asked you how it was any of my business to control property that I don't own? You never answered. It's none of my business to control other peoples property, is it your business to do that, where do you get that right? From your prohibitionist friend Chesus? Where does it come from?
I'm curious why on one hand you (correctly) disavow the use of initiatory force in human relations, then on the other you embrace it.

Also, you jumped to a conclusion. I asked you how it was any of my business to control property that I don't own? You never answered. It's none of my business to control other peoples property, is it your business to do that, where do you get that right? From your prohibitionist friend Chesus? Where does it come from?

your racial segregationist buddy rob roy is the one who refuses to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a child.

i have no problem saying that should be illegal.

but "sovereign" citizens like you don't feel that pedophilia laws should apply to them.

kill yourself.

What if a pedophile shit on a floor?
are you honestly comparing property taxes to the rape and sexual assault of small children?

you are beyond fucked up in the head.

No. I'm comparing the use of initiatory force used in both instances and declaring it wrong. You embrace it one hand though.
you're defending a person who refuses to state that it should be illegal for adults to have sex with children, and you think i'm getting trolled?

Robert does not need defending, he is making fools of all of you all by himself, he is much smarter than you guys
that is evident to anyone
Robert does not need defending, he is making fools of all of you all by himself, he is much smarter than you guys
that is evident to anyone


delusion is hilarious to witness.

how well do you think rob roy's views would go over on the campaign trail?