Well-Known Member
I have been reading about it and found out that most people will only ever do it once... So i wanted to see if anyone here has taken it and if they ever plan on doing it again.. 

God damn the 5th dimension. You know they were high.I heard you can travel to the 5th dimension with DMT...really lol.
I never did it before but Im planning on doing it after I get more prepared. Its really hard for me to find any, Im probably gonna end up making some myself when I learn how to.
Yeah lol, look up this guy named Terrence McKenna. He was really into all of that and theres some videos of him talking about it on youtube. If you look at the experiences there are a large percentage of people that say that actually were in another world. They talk about "Machine Elves" and things a lot. So that stuff is pretty serious.God damn the 5th dimension. You know they were high.. Anyways i have been thinking about making it and probably will end up making it. Or maybe, I will just go to the Brazilian amazons and drink some Ayahuasca "brew" with the shamans lol.. That would be so bad ass..
"[The feeling of doing DMT] is as though one had been struck by noetic lightning. The ordinary world is almost instantaneously replaced, not only with a hallucination, but a hallucination whose alien character is its utter alienness. Nothing in this world can prepare one for the impressions that fill your mind when you enter the DMT sensorium."1 thing that I hear about DMT is that you wont be in your body at all. Its not like a party drug, its something you do by yourself or a sitter in a quiet place away from people. If you do it right its supposed to be pretty serious. Look at what Terrence McKenna said and look at what some of the erowid experiences say and you will see how serious this stuff is. Like traveling through space and through different dimensions and meeting entities and its like a completely different world, you wont recognize anything at all.
I really want to try it but I have to get prepared first.
Has anyone said otherwise? All the people whom have stated that they will try this psychedelic also stated that they are preparing themselves either mentally or through knowledge about the drug. I have not told anyone to try this drug, nor do I promote anyone to extract the illegal drug DMT from any plant that is illegal in their country. This thread meant nothing more than to be informative. So thank you for your contribution. Stay safe.DMT shouldn't be taken lightly- it is not a fucking party drug.. it's not a 'oh that sounds fucking sweet let's do it' type thing... no one should even consider extracting or taking DMT until you've done some serious prep and have read the book DMT the Spirit Molecule.. DMT will bite you if you are unprepared..
No drug should be taken lightly. How many stories have you heard of 1st time weed smokers calling the ambo's because they think they are dying, not saying they are actually going to die but for them it must be scary.DMT shouldn't be taken lightly- it is not a fucking party drug.. it's not a 'oh that sounds fucking sweet let's do it' type thing... no one should even consider extracting or taking DMT until you've done some serious prep and have read the book DMT the Spirit Molecule.. DMT will bite you if you are unprepared..
Mimosa hostilis root bark. Im still gathering some information at the moment though.OneCrazysoul, yeah make one of those light bulb vapes, that will do the job. What plant are you planning to extract from??