"In 2000 Flanagan sued WTWC, the NBC affiliate in Tallahassee, Florida, alleging he was fired after objecting to racism he encountered once he joined the station the year before. He sought more than $75,000 in damages.
The lawsuit made several claims, including that in the summer of 1999 he had been called a “monkey” by a producer and learned other black employees had been called the same.
Flanagan alleged that later that year a white employee told him it “busted her butt that blacks did not take advantage of the free money” available in scholarships to African Americans attending college.
He further alleged that a black criminal suspect being reported on by the station was referred to as “just another thug” and that a black tape operator was told to “stop talking ebonics”.
The station denied all of Flanagan’s allegations. The lawsuit reached federal court in Florida. According to public records, it was settled out of court in 200."
This is all about racism. Where is the outrage? Lefties are all too chickenshit to even comment on it. It doesn't fit their agenda. Too bad, so sad.