Election 2015

I added a video to my post^^^^
another show of retarded support for a retarded freak, they are all the same
as a liberal supporter....I have never cheated on taxes....as this con suggests....all cons do....
which might be why the cons have as much support as they do...
maybe its time to audit the outspoken cons....all of them...and jail the cheaters.....
I'd bet you would see a mass exodus to the states...
My towns folk out protesting yesterday.

Council of Canadians protest Harper visit

The Council of Canadians Comox Valley organized a rally at the 17 st. Bridge in Courtenay on Thursday, protesting Prime Minister Stephen Harper's visit to the Comox Valley and the fact that he did not make himself available to the public during the visit. Dozens of people attended the rally, including Green Party candidate Glenn Sollitt, who heard the noise from his office and joined in.
— image credit: Terry Farrell
Record staff

The Comox Valley Council of Canadians members were not a happy lot on Thursday and they were letting everyone who drove over the 17 St. Bridge at the noon hour know abut it.

They were upset that Prime Minister Stephen Harper came to the Comox Valley and did not make any public appearances.

He was in the area for a couple of events, including a private function at Coastal Black Winery Thursday night, but officials were being tight-lipped as to his schedule.

“The purpose of the rally was to let people other than Conservative party members know that Harper is here and to let everyone in the Valley know that there are many of us who are not very happy with the way he has been governing, and in fact, are really, really concerned about it,” said Council of Canadians spokesperson Alice de Wolff.

A couple of dozen protestors, including a three-piece band (tuba, trombone and kazoo), were waving signs and responding to horn-blowing of passing cars.

The rally had some unexpected political clout on site as well, as Green Party Courtenay-Alberni candidate Glenn Sollitt joined in.

“I was at my office and looked out the window and thought, what's going on? So I came down to check it out,” he said.

“This (rally) was a wide-open event… the events we try to organize are as open as possible,” said de Wolff. “It's great to see (Sollitt) here.”

When asked his opinion on the cloak of secrecy surrounding the PM's visit, Sollitt said he did not agree with the strategy.

“I think it's a poor choice, what he's doing,” said Sollitt. “When the leaders don't make themselves accessible to the general public and open themselves up to question then yeah, it's a disingenuous move. He's here, but not really. You have to open yourself up to the public.”

Although the Council of Canadians is an independent, non-partisan group, the C of C and Sollitt do share a common goal.

“They all say they want Harper out and we all want the Conservatives out, otherwise I wouldn't be running for a different party,” he said.
Duffy is off the table it would appear...why can't these reporters keep this in the limelight?
Duffy is off the table it would appear...why can't these reporters keep this in the limelight?
I think it is up to the public to keep the pressure up, and the media will have no choice but to give us what we want. We need a series of protests from coast to coast demanding Harper resign. What would sell more news than a PM being pressured to resign in the middle of an election? He won't quit, but it will keep the pmo corruption front and centre going into the election.
Here's a little tidbit. Harper refused to let his own cousin (and family) attend an event when he was here last week because his cousin's daughter works at a cafe that is owned by a former NDP politician (same place my wife works). We've had some friendly discussions in the past, and she has always defended Harper, now she says her and her parents are going to vote NDP! I thought that was kinda funny, even his own kin won't vote for the prick.
I think it is up to the public to keep the pressure up, and the media will have no choice but to give us what we want. We need a series of protests from coast to coast demanding Harper resign. What would sell more news than a PM being pressured to resign in the middle of an election? He won't quit, but it will keep the pmo corruption front and centre going into the election.
Here's a little tidbit. Harper refused to let his own cousin (and family) attend an event when he was here last week because his cousin's daughter works at a cafe that is owned by a former NDP politician (same place my wife works). We've had some friendly discussions in the past, and she has always defended Harper, now she says her and her parents are going to vote NDP! I thought that was kinda funny, even his own kin won't vote for the prick.
that's hilarious. I will say his vetting is better then the liberals :)

She needs a fuck harper T :)
A letter I sent to my NDP candidate last night...I'll post any response. Hundreds or thousands of us should do the same thing and get them talking about mj

Rachel Blaney
NDP Candidate
North Island / Powell River

Hello Mrs. Blaney,
I am a long time resident on the Comox Valley, and, for the first time, I am considering voting for an NDP candidate. I, like many Canadians, are ready for change and are fearful of another Harper government.

While not in the forefront so far in this campaign, the issue of ending the prohibition of marijuana is a sticking point for me. As a medical marijuana patient, as well as a recreational user for more than three decades, I am an advocate for full legalization. This has become a popular topic on several forums I participate in with many, like myself, wanting to vote for the leader that has promised legalization. While Mr. Mulcair promises to decriminalize, that just isn't good enough for me or many other hard working, honest Canadians who prefer marijuana over alcohol as a way to relax. Decriminalization will leave police with an unfair tool, the ability to use the threat of charges to intimidate citizens, confiscate property and unfairly target individuals. The fact is marijuana use has become an accepted activity among Canadian adults and is being legalized by forward thinking countries throughout the world. The continued Canadian marijuana prohibition resulting in police involvement, fines, arrest and imprisonment no longer makes sense and cannot be justified in a free and democratic society. When weighed against the deaths, violence and illness caused by alcohol, any argument against legalization of marijuana is quite obviously fabricated propaganda or the ramblings of someone who is ignorant on the topic. There is absolutely no medical or scientific evidence that marijuana is any more dangerous than caffeine or sugar, and plenty of evidence of the many medical benefits. If prohibition was truly about protecting society, alcohol would still be illegal.

I am asking that Mr. Mulcair and the NDP reconsider their stand on decriminalization and opt instead for a 21st century policy of legalization, control of sales and taxation, much the same way we deal with alcohol. It is incredulous that Canada trails the U.S. with regards to legal marijuana, and an indication of just how out of touch the Harper CPC really is.

I am also asking for leadership from the newly elected Prime Minister in the ongoing battle between medical users and Health Canada. It is a disgusting situation that pits sick Canadians against a massive government bureaucracy for the right to provide for our own health care. There are 40,000 of us who have been left in various stages of limbo for over a year and a half, while Stephen Harper and Health Canadian continue to appeal court rulings in our favour.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you will forward my thoughts for consideration. I look forward to your response, as well as a definitive NDP marijuana policy being brought forward to help me confirm my voting choice.
A letter I sent to my NDP candidate last night...I'll post any response. Hundreds or thousands of us should do the same thing and get them talking about mj

Rachel Blaney
NDP Candidate
North Island / Powell River

Hello Mrs. Blaney,
I am a long time resident on the Comox Valley, and, for the first time, I am considering voting for an NDP candidate. I, like many Canadians, are ready for change and are fearful of another Harper government.

While not in the forefront so far in this campaign, the issue of ending the prohibition of marijuana is a sticking point for me. As a medical marijuana patient, as well as a recreational user for more than three decades, I am an advocate for full legalization. This has become a popular topic on several forums I participate in with many, like myself, wanting to vote for the leader that has promised legalization. While Mr. Mulcair promises to decriminalize, that just isn't good enough for me or many other hard working, honest Canadians who prefer marijuana over alcohol as a way to relax. Decriminalization will leave police with an unfair tool, the ability to use the threat of charges to intimidate citizens, confiscate property and unfairly target individuals. The fact is marijuana use has become an accepted activity among Canadian adults and is being legalized by forward thinking countries throughout the world. The continued Canadian marijuana prohibition resulting in police involvement, fines, arrest and imprisonment no longer makes sense and cannot be justified in a free and democratic society. When weighed against the deaths, violence and illness caused by alcohol, any argument against legalization of marijuana is quite obviously fabricated propaganda or the ramblings of someone who is ignorant on the topic. There is absolutely no medical or scientific evidence that marijuana is any more dangerous than caffeine or sugar, and plenty of evidence of the many medical benefits. If prohibition was truly about protecting society, alcohol would still be illegal.

I am asking that Mr. Mulcair and the NDP reconsider their stand on decriminalization and opt instead for a 21st century policy of legalization, control of sales and taxation, much the same way we deal with alcohol. It is incredulous that Canada trails the U.S. with regards to legal marijuana, and an indication of just how out of touch the Harper CPC really is.

I am also asking for leadership from the newly elected Prime Minister in the ongoing battle between medical users and Health Canada. It is a disgusting situation that pits sick Canadians against a massive government bureaucracy for the right to provide for our own health care. There are 40,000 of us who have been left in various stages of limbo for over a year and a half, while Stephen Harper and Health Canadian continue to appeal court rulings in our favour.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you will forward my thoughts for consideration. I look forward to your response, as well as a definitive NDP marijuana policy being brought forward to help me confirm my voting choice.
I think i will tailor you letter to my situation and send to my MP
Well written sir.

Honestly decrim is enough for me. I imagine legalization will come. Mulcair said he would decrim for personal use. Well I grow for personal use. How else am I supposed to get it :)The only way to obtain marijuana for personal use would be to grow it. Or else you're buying it off someone who's breaking the law....

C-51 killed the liberals chances in my house and with pretty much everyone I know. I might vote for him in the next election as I do think he'd be an OK prime minister. I just think he's got some learning to do first. He voted for a bill that not only violates Canadians rights he voted for a bill that has clearly worked against his party when his entire intention was to keep it out of the election. That's not smart, who the heck was advising him on that one?

Then the anti-Israel rants from the Alberta lady, I don't want someone like that anywhere near parliament. I don't want someone like that in a party I'm voting for. That woman made those comments 4 years ago. I don't care if she's been booted from the party that shows horrible judgement on the entire liberal party. What she said is far worse then anything Elizabeth May did, and May was obviously drunk and trying to make a joke. That Alberta woman is full of hatred, no place in government.

It's especially horrible looking with the "Muslim problem". The last thing a Muslim should be doing is telling anyone to kill themselves at this point. That represented her entire culture horribly in a time where muslims don't need any help with that.

Violating the constitution should be an extremely serious issue but we've become so used to it under Harper that Justin doing it isn't that big of a deal. That's horrible in itself.

Edit: this doesn't mean I wouldn't be impressed to see the NDP switch to a legalization platform. But people are already saying Mulcairs "flip flopping". Legalization just isn't as important as a government that protects Canadians.
You're right in your priorities, but it is important to let them know what we want rather than permitting them to tell us what we get. I like Justin over Tom on a personality level, but I think the NDP have the best chance to turf Harper. I just hope for a minority government.
This morning on CBC News, they were saying Trudeau is "more left" than the Angry Beard. I have to say, I agree.
The Angry Beard IS a flip-flopper. His stance on Ganja is the proof of that. His smile is so fake, I don't know if he could even tell a joke without blowing it. I am concerned with his "plan" to not deficit spend, which tells me he has an anachronistic perspective of what money is, and that scares me. He's just as "unfit" to lead as the rest of them.

However, at the end of the day, I suspect this election is going to end with NDP Minority and Liberal Opposition. Greens will pickup some fringe seats previously held by Cons. And Harper will go sit in the corner where the Sperm of Pierre and May reside currently.

And that would be just fine with me. I could never see the NDP as a majority party. I don't believe they were ever meant to be a majority party except in the days of the CCP.

In the end, voting for a party is dumb, especially in this environment where each straw is a short one. So, as I have done every time for the last 25 years, I will be vetting the candidates and voting for the person who I can call/write and get a response from. THAT is what a representative democracy calls for, after all.

My only hope is there will be a local candidates debate or town hall like we have in Provincial elections. It makes it easier when you have the gaggle under one roof for examination.
when "angry beard" said he wouldn't run deficits that scares me...not sure how he will clean up Harper's mess....JT voted in favour of C51 and that scares me...Harper is just plain off the table!
my local MP is NDP and very good. i wish we had a party that listened to us and wanted a truly democratic Government...
when someone told me i don't live in reality ..I almost fell off my unicorn laughing
WHOA... CBC just posted that we pulled a $5Bn surplus in Q1.
Now I think I understand what the Angry beard meant by, "we won't deficit spend".
Perhaps he knew the books, although I seem to recall Joe Oliver stating we'd see a series of surpluses anyway.
That's rather surprising considering how the Asphalt Pits were decimated by the price of oil.
I think it has to do with the sale of the gm shares....isn't that a little behind the times and yet a timely announcement given the election campaign?
I don't think it is "timely"; it's normal timing. You are correct, though...$2.7Bn from the GM shares (but the net loss was $3.5Bn on that "investment"). However, that means there was still ~$2.3Bn surplus, otherwise.