reading a vancouver sun article and its comments about the cannabis market and licensed producers
the last comment is a huge diatribe by this out to lunch individual
she is mad at dana larsen for embarrassing her in that debate
she is soooo full of shit

Pamela Mccoll ·
Vancouver, British Columbia
No one should hold their breath to see 2/3 of the illegal marijuana stores close - they will relocate, or go to the Board of Variance and try and get a special right to stay - pleading the grand-father case over the interests of kids in nearby schools, they have even threatened to sue the city over the $30,000 fee. The city has trespassed on federal jurisdiction and by providing for the proliferation of illegal operations they have damaged the Health Canada legally sanctioned marijuana for medical purposes - who could well find a way to challenge the City for interferring in this way - or aiding and abetting or profiting from crime.
The illegal marijuana stores should not be given licenses or "ordained" in the way the City of Vancouver has suggested.
Dana Larsen and his "regulatory body" is written into the City deal - his organization is to get a fee from all the not for profit organizations. In fact all the members of the CAMCD - regulatory organizations board either own or work in a dispenary - it is a conflict of interest that has many of the illegal stores very upset. Who decided to allow Dana Larsen to be part of the equation and who did this negotiating ? The whole business stinks of politics and influence and someone from the NPA should be asking the really hard questions - and they might want to do it sooner than later. In the meantime the complaint to the Vancouver Police Board is coming up soon - the police in other juridictions have done their job and upheld the laws of Canada - why not VPD ? Priority they say - tell that to the people living next to a grow-up out in the Valley who wake to intimidation and gun shots - as they did two nights ago - or ask the business who sits right next to a pot shop and endures the odors - or the resident with a pot allergy who fears for the impact second hand marijuana smoke is having on her life. What is happening in Vancouver should be stopped.
the last comment is a huge diatribe by this out to lunch individual
she is mad at dana larsen for embarrassing her in that debate

she is soooo full of shit

Pamela Mccoll ·
Vancouver, British Columbia
No one should hold their breath to see 2/3 of the illegal marijuana stores close - they will relocate, or go to the Board of Variance and try and get a special right to stay - pleading the grand-father case over the interests of kids in nearby schools, they have even threatened to sue the city over the $30,000 fee. The city has trespassed on federal jurisdiction and by providing for the proliferation of illegal operations they have damaged the Health Canada legally sanctioned marijuana for medical purposes - who could well find a way to challenge the City for interferring in this way - or aiding and abetting or profiting from crime.
The illegal marijuana stores should not be given licenses or "ordained" in the way the City of Vancouver has suggested.
Dana Larsen and his "regulatory body" is written into the City deal - his organization is to get a fee from all the not for profit organizations. In fact all the members of the CAMCD - regulatory organizations board either own or work in a dispenary - it is a conflict of interest that has many of the illegal stores very upset. Who decided to allow Dana Larsen to be part of the equation and who did this negotiating ? The whole business stinks of politics and influence and someone from the NPA should be asking the really hard questions - and they might want to do it sooner than later. In the meantime the complaint to the Vancouver Police Board is coming up soon - the police in other juridictions have done their job and upheld the laws of Canada - why not VPD ? Priority they say - tell that to the people living next to a grow-up out in the Valley who wake to intimidation and gun shots - as they did two nights ago - or ask the business who sits right next to a pot shop and endures the odors - or the resident with a pot allergy who fears for the impact second hand marijuana smoke is having on her life. What is happening in Vancouver should be stopped.