Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Your garden looks healthy. You might add a little lime to you strawberries soil to sweeten them.

Thanks for the tip cof.

And Don. I have a jar of Tom pickle in the fridge from last year but it seriously needs scraping out to get anything lol...throwing out is what it needs.

God luck Mo. I am sure you'll be grand.
Hey SupaM just enjoying the fruits of the garden bru. Toms are in the finishing stages for the whole. 2nd wave of strawberries are through. And the 2nd Yin is progressing well to boot. Not sure what the first one will make of his Little Brother when he arrives haha. How were the toms for you this year?
1st wave was more than abundant, but attack of the squirrels killed off a lot of the 2nd wave....luckily where I live I have another month or so to get more to finish. The cucumbers have gone ape shit, melons are under developed, and I didn't get a single squash....strawberries look like the squirrels got to them as well. When I get a few more "super snow white" tomatoes I'll post a pick. They are really interesting looking. I have three boys, and they'll be fine.. the big bro thing kicks in and makes it all work out after awhile. ATB!
Do you get Grey or Red squirrels? If they are red I'd tend to be a bit more sympathetic....but grey ones are a bit of a nuisance (well they are in Europe, have wiped out most of the Red Squirrel population). Snow white tomatoes? really. That must be weird. Please share.
My strawberries and blueberries were getting attacked by magpies and other birds. One in particular was rather fond of the blueberries. (made my last batch of blueberry muffins last night - also added dates as there was a bit of a shortfall). Going to make some jam with the strawberries from yesterday.
I have had mixed results with squashes tbh. I never done any this year as mine seems to grow a small ball as a starte squash, then the tops would mold and then die. Lucky if I got 2 or 3 squash from it all.
Have a great week.
Grey f*ckers! serious nuisance, I kept finding half eaten toms under the tree, or spread out in the yard..seems they only went for them once they started ripening, lil f*ckers. Squash started great, nice flowers, but no fruit. ATB!
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I have a loaded pear tree in my backyard and I noticed a grey squirrel munching on a pear that had fallen. One of my male cats slowly stalked the squirrel until the squirrel saw the cat and the race was on. The squirrel made it safely to another tree, and I haven't seen him since.
Cats have a certain fondness for squirrel meat.

Cat's seem to have a fondness for chasing anything that they could potentially snack on. I watched one chasing birds up a tree the other day
The thing was half way up the freaking tree lol.
Could well be. I've got some Clotted Cream in the fridge just now as well:)

Fukkin Ikea man. So we've ordered cupboards for the Yins new room (among 100's of euros of other shite). They were supposed to be delivered. The lorry turns up. It's 50metres to the house from the road.
We only do 25 metres max the guy states.
I was like, really, but you don't have a trolly you can use?
Yes, we do.
So off they went with the agreement they would actually deliver to my front door!!! Not half way and leave it abandoned.
I wait then see the guy coming back.
Problem, the trolley doesn't go through this gate......(there's a gate 25 metre further up the road which they could have used easily), but then would have had to walk 75metres.....
"but our backs" the guy said to me.

There's a bloody lift in my apartment, and a trolley to pull the cupboards. So off they went with my cupbaords still in their lorry, no delivery it is truly laughable. FAIL!!! MY FUKKIN GOD, WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY. I AM SERIOUSLY READY TO PUNCH SOMEONE!!!!
Aye. Was my exact thought lad...... just finishing off a Jay and of course no harm in a bongo chaser.

You grown Sour cherry yet lad? Smoking some now and it's nice. Not knock out but nice taste and relaxing without pickling yer mind.