Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Originally Posted: 2013-10-02 3:14pm


I am going through a difficult breakup and impulsively
adopted 16 different types of reptiles over Craiglist.
I have made a huge mistake. My roommates are furious.
I have 1 ball python, 7 various geckos, a bearded dragon,
and 2 red slider turtles.

They are all named "Amanda."

No rehoming fee.
Close call last night!
So I'm sitting in my favorite chair watching tv.about 11:00 I dozed off for about 15 minutes and wake to cars with only the running lights on parked out in front of my house, no big deal I assume my neighbor is having a couple people over? Next thing I see flashlight beams shooting everywhere! As I'm thinking wtf? A bunch more cars with only running lights on start flying down the road? Cops!! Turns out my neighbors new shady roommate is wanted,great.I instantly put my pups out back( fenced yard) as the cops were at my fence trying to look into my yard, they really lit up my woodpile and while looking for dude were constantly shining my 4 plants!!(not legal here in mn)thankfully they are hidden amongst clusters of over growth, mn)thankfully no stink yet! Anyway my dogs scared the f'ing shit outta the officers:mrgreen:. That's when I ran to the edge of my patio and acted surprised "can I Fucking help you?"as soon as they announced who they were I apologized and said I didn't realize you were officers!? Guess dude bolted just before they showed and thaught he went through my yard.I said "no way" my dogs would have lit up( anything to sway them from coming in my yard) it worked !! Did the friendly small talk,got the scoop and that was it.all within yards of some big bushes!!
Yup,I'm a Lil paranoid but I think things are ok?

How's that for a random jibber?
Everyone on the planet should watch "The Secret"
