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Somethings you should be against and have no problem speaking out against it, NO MATTER WHAT.
Child molestation is one

Absolutely, molesting people that cannot or have not consented is a heinous thing to do. You embrace the systemic existence of it, I do not.
we'd have to consider many good members to be socks then, like a_senile_fungus and others, if we did it the former way.

technically, tbonejack is just back under a different username too, but he has done it 7 times (that we know of). so he is a sock puppet.

and exactly who is 'we'?
I don't accept the notion of an automatic coercive monopolistic government creating a legal edict.

what possible objection could you have against a legal edict decreeing that you may not have sex with pre-pubescent children?

or in other words, why do you refuse to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a pre-pubescent child?
Hey Bucky, how many times have I told you the rules on using affect and effect and why do you always get it wrong?

You are absolutely right. I should have stated, "His delusions are starting to have an effect on his interpersonal relationships". Just as yours are now. Does it upset you terribly that UB and I agree that you people are useless knuckle draggers?
Cite where i have defended you ?
Your statement is an oxymoron because you're indefensible, your vile attitude is inexcusable.

you're defending rob roy, who refuses to state that it should be illegal for adults to have sex with kids.

you also said molesting children is hilarious.
A person CAN object to an action, (pedoism) and at the same time also object to a proposed mechanism (the current paradigm of using a monopolistic based legal edict ) which attempts to control or prevent it.

My objection to legal edicts which ARISE from coercion is well chronicled here. My objection to using force against a person who hasn't or cannot consent is also well documented.

There is much irony in your proposal. Here's why....I reject using force to cause an interaction with an unwilling participant, in this case one who has not or cannot consent. Hence I reject pedoism,

I also reject using force to encompass people in a legal apparatus, hence I reject the form of your legal edict, but embrace the intent of it, which is preventing nonconsensual interactions, in this instance, pedoism.

However the ironical part is, you can't use a coercion based system to then eliminate coercion based actions, since the use of the coercion based system ensures coercion remains present.

So, yes dipshit, Pedoism is a bad thing, and so is the coercion based system that your legal edict arises from.

But please carry on, don't let my logic derail your faulty assumptions.

why do you refuse to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a pre-pubescent child, pedo?
why do you refuse to state that it should be illegal for an adult to have sex with a pre-pubescent child, pedo?

Why do you persist in asking questions which I've already answered? I think engaging in sex with a person that is incapable of consenting or hasn't consented is a heinous thing to do.

I also think engaging in using initiatory force to automatically encompass somebody within a coercive legal construct has similarities to that which you on one hand say you oppose, but then on the other hand you embrace.

Now I'm okay with your continuing your pedo inquisitor status, but I wanted to remind you, you haven't called me a racist in a while. You're slipping Meathead.
So as an adult why are you sexually attracted to 13 year olds And why shouldn't we feel revulsion at your degenerate actions?

As an adult, I'm very much attracted to a woman in her mid 50s and pretty damn lucky she's attracted to me.

Now, when you set up your innuendo based lies, do try to be a bit more subtle okay?
you're defending rob roy, who refuses to state that it should be illegal for adults to have sex with kids.

you also said molesting children is hilarious.

That is a fabrication ^^, i said "child molestation makes for amusing comedy" you may cite me if you wish

Rob likes trolling you

Do you think the Jew Larry David is a pedophile for making jokes ?
As an adult, I'm very much attracted to a woman in her mid 50s and pretty damn lucky she's attracted to me.

Now, when you set up your innuendo based lies, do try to be a bit more subtle okay?
Can a child of 13 consent to sex with a adult?
Yes or no?