Parents getting divorced - thanks Ashley Madison

The moral of the story don't get married.
Also don't have children.
Just avoid the whole domestic partnership thing unless our assets remain separate.
9 out of 10 accounts on the site were held by males so its unlikely even if he had an account that he managed to meet anything but dick on there.
I admit it. I signed up when I heard the news. Just to check it out. Seems like you can get all the herpes and HPV you want for free on CL. Just saying.
Or removing fetuses from pregnant women
I am trying to be your friend because I can sense that you are lonely. Please refrain from stating the ugly. Today is sposed to be a chill day. Get high. Relax. Hide away. Be nice. And just enjoy the beauty. Just sayin. It's not like your parents are getting divorced. Is it?
I am trying to be your friend because I can sense that you are lonely. Please refrain from stating the ugly. Today is sposed to be a chill day. Get high. Relax. Hide away. Be nice. And just enjoy the beauty. Just sayin. It's not like your parents are getting divorced. Is it?

My parents never did get divorced. They should have.

I just wanted to add, I don't need to be your friend.
Hey UB3. Have your dad talk to all the divorce lawyers in town, a free, brief consultation. Have him start with the best and work his way toward the bottom. When your mom looks for a local attorney that your dad already spoke with, they will be ethically unable to take her case as your dad is now a potential client. It's a neat trick...
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Hey UB3. Have your dad talk to all the divorce lawyers in town, a free, brief consultation. Have him start with the best and work his way toward the bottom. When your mom looks for a local attorney that your dad already spoke with, they will ethically unable to take her case as your dad is now a potential client. It's a neat trick...

Doesn't a retainer have to be exchanged for it to be confidential
I like your passive aggressiveness it will pay off someday
So now your profiling. I still love you bro. I will shoulder this burden and try to help you hold on til "tomorrow". We need a group hug for you. Come on guys. Let's show dude the love. Everybody.
Back to the Ashley Madison thing. Their majority of their advertising was done on porn sites.

It's like a trap for men.