Magnesium deficiency

I believe I have a magnesium deficiency. Started epsom salt treatment last night. Should i cut off the fan leaves that are affected? They are pretty bad looking..maybe 15-20 percent of the plant only fan leaves that are in the center of the plant. Or will doing this just make things worse? I'm just about 2 weeks into flower..
Got any pics?

Personally, I'd wait a bit to make sure the treatment is effective, then cut the leaves off if the plant recovers.
The copper spots suggest Ca def as well. What are you feeding, what is your medium, tap or RO water?

Those leaves don't look bad enough to pull off just yet, IMO.
Fox farm tigerbloom at the moment..soil..and I was using distilled water but I'm goin to switch to tap after letting it sit out for 24hrs.The last watering I used plain water and tried to flush it out a little bit. 2 of the 3 plants that I had turned out to be males that I seperated from the female and they look brown spots or anything. Planted at the same time same nutrients and everything. I thought it was kinda weird that the female looks so bad compared to the males.


Well-Known Member
Fox farm tigerbloom at the moment..soil..and I was using distilled water but I'm goin to switch to tap after letting it sit out for 24hrs.The last watering I used plain water and tried to flush it out a little bit. 2 of the 3 plants that I had turned out to be males that I seperated from the female and they look brown spots or anything. Planted at the same time same nutrients and everything. I thought it was kinda weird that the female looks so bad compared to the males.
Do you plan on breeding? Throw them fuckers away