Already wasted one of two plants. Need help.


Sup guys. I want to ask for help. I grew one plant, (~2-3 weeks), at day took it outside, watered irregularly, then put it under 3 CFL lamps and it started getting brown at the edges, then white, it looked bad. Then my cat came, shat in that pot and that plant is now dead.
So I have one more seed. only ONE. I dont want to f*** it up with this one. I've got a box (w 50cm x l 70cm h x80cm) painted matte white inside and 5 CFLs (6500kelvin 15w 900lumen). Can I put just newly grown plant (photo) under them? How many lamps should work? When to water? When and what fertilizer? What else? I've read alot but i cant understand shit, please can someone guide me?



Well-Known Member
Hello Wattage, don't know where you at that its hard to get seeds, but i would be glad to send you some, now with that said, Try and put seed into a small plastic cup and keep it out of kittys reach, Cats love plants and will eat them if they get a chance, I myself, IMO, use a plastic cup and I only bury the seed just under the Medium may be a half inch under I never bury them more than an inch, and I ve never had a problem strating them, with the right light it should come up and will be lanky at first but it will start to fill out takes time, a few weeks it should be good enough to move into a bigger pot at this time, Now what I do when i move one is, Just get your grow medium into the pot you want to use, Then take your ladie and Roll the plastic cup in your hand like your rubbing your hands together lighty just so the soil loosens up in the Solo cup preferibly, then take your hand and put her between your middle and Ring finger or your pointer, "what ever feels More comfortable" once you have it like that you can gentley turn over the cup it should fall out into your hand just be easy with her, then put into your new medium and bury the roots and give her a week to recoup, from there you should be ok, if you need a bigger pot in future same method works for them too. I hope all works out for you and Good Luck


Thanks very much for reply. I've already put the plant in big pot. Is that bad? How many cfl lights do I need for a plant the size of this one?


Well-Known Member
That lighting should be adequate for one plant. As for watering/germination... Germinate in a wet paper towl sealed in a ziploc bag. Leave it in a warmish place until you see the seed cracking and the tap root coming out (usually 24/72 hours).

After this, plant it your soil, tap root facing down about a 1/4 inch below the surface. Keep the soil moist and cover the pot over with some clingfilm. When the plant pops the surface, get it under the lights and remove the clingfilm.

After this, watering should be done when the first inch or so of soil is dry to the touch. You want the soil moist, not saturated with water. A guide I use when watering is water no more than 1/3 of the volume of the pot at one time. ie, 3l pot water no more than 1l of water.

Hope this helps


That lighting should be adequate for one plant. As for watering/germination... Germinate in a wet paper towl sealed in a ziploc bag. Leave it in a warmish place until you see the seed cracking and the tap root coming out (usually 24/72 hours).

After this, plant it your soil, tap root facing down about a 1/4 inch below the surface. Keep the soil moist and cover the pot over with some clingfilm. When the plant pops the surface, get it under the lights and remove the clingfilm.

After this, watering should be done when the first inch or so of soil is dry to the touch. You want the soil moist, not saturated with water. A guide I use when watering is water no more than 1/3 of the volume of the pot at one time. ie, 3l pot water no more than 1l of water.

Hope this helps
Dude, thanks! Did that and everything seems to be going nicely. I'm just not sure how many lights should/can I put? I already have 2 lights on and I dont want to do light-burn or something. Is it better if I put more lights?

one of the most important things is to choose the correct growing media.
What soil do you have?
I've picked up some kind of soil that seemed appropriate for this and mixed it 1/3 with perlite.

Also when do I fertilize?

Thanks very much


Well-Known Member
Dude, thanks! Did that and everything seems to be going nicely. I'm just not sure how many lights should/can I put? I already have 2 lights on and I dont want to do light-burn or something. Is it better if I put more lights?

I've picked up some kind of soil that seemed appropriate for this and mixed it 1/3 with perlite.

Also when do I fertilize?

Thanks very much
Hey man, You will not get light burn with cfls, 5x900 lumen bulbs will just about be enough for your space, I'd recommend getting a 125w cfl off ebay as it is just easier to have one big bulb. Get your plants as close to them as possible, use your hand to gauge how far. You want them as close as possible without feeling the heat from the bulb, if your hand can feel the heat, so can your plants.

As for fertilising, what are you using? For a newbie grower i'd recommend feeding nothing for the first three weeks and then after than feed at 1/3 the recommended value on the box every other watering. With nutrients, its always better to slightly underfeed than to slightly overfeed. Overfeeding will cause nutrient burn and reduce your yield much more than slightly underfeeding.

Hope this helps