Gage Green Group Info Thread

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when i was bean shopping. i saw a description that said purple stem during veg. damm, now i cant remember what it was...

@v.s one keep giving it food. thats what the guy at the hydro store would say.

i was talking to my buddys 14yr apparently LOL is for old people now. kids dont use LOL.
damm im old.
I was talking to my son and his friends and they said girls still say OMG lol sorry
cbd is the real deal.
got a couple of customers that were HEAVY prescriptions users. they switched to cbd oil. they dont even need the meds anymore.
saved them $$$. and who knows what they put in the meds. i mean they put stuff like speed/opium, heroine? leading to harder drugs/needles...
nobody has ever overdosed from weed. you cant.
only downside is. they got to keep smoking it.
maybe in the future, when these companies finally figure out there opium based drugs arent working, and switch to cbd. they might have something were you dont have to smoke it as often.

also,,, me and my buddy went to a convention. this guy was passing out cbd oil drops. so me and my buddy took some. literally a couple mins later. it hit us. it intensified everything! colors were brighter, senses were more alert. just a good feeling instead of couch lock................... i hate couch lock when im trying to work...
thats why im hoping this healing fields has good qualitys of cbd.
Don't know if anybody else has compared, but I had some Dirty Sanchez clones, one got a few seeds from a banana on a plant next to it, just one small nanner made about 50 beans out of a 2.5 zip plant. Well kid you not the SEEDED clone was the stankiest, stickiest and also most potent. There was a difference and it was a good one. Few beans sure but really no BS the bud was BETTER.
My aloha clone makes colors more vivid for sure.

It is definitely alot more labor to keep two moms and vegging plants happy.

I have two notebooks now. One for veg and one for flower. Definitely helps me keep better track of feed and trim and foliars.

Way better than just using my phone and online journal.

Labor of love.

My new veg exhaust fan arrived today and I can now get rid of that noisy nuisance four inch fan. Will be 300cfm vs 190cfm. Will help with day temps.
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