"Ban gay marriage" says man clad in leather with $400 haircut


Well-Known Member
I've really enjoyed our conversations, do I have your permission to continue them?

To molest somebody is an indication of annoyance, harm, or in some way confers the meaning that the person being molested does not consent to the action. Can you describe how a 13 year old strapping male would feel molested by a mutual and satisfying relation with a 15 year old lass that involved a pleasurable encounter?
molestation means many things in many different states.

consent is a big part.

in the example above you kinda used a double negative and they can be tricky..even for a sasquatch:wink:




Well-Known Member
Yeah, see4 was UncleBuck's attempt to "get along with" but still bash the repubs and libertarians here...
Travisw was created in part to argue/fight with uncleben
an overwhealing proportion of travisw's posts are aimed towards uncleben

unclebuck has always been envious of unclebens knowledge of how plants tick


Well-Known Member
You should take your own advice, and let it go. I just pointed out that you and UB are the same person. And that's a fact. A sad fact, I might interject, since I always liked you. As an aside note, if you're truly real, and are ever in the KC, MO area and want to prove you're real, the BBQ lunch is on me at your choice of restaurant. And I'd be glad to report the wonderful lunch on here. So everyone would know you're real, and I was wrong.

But sadly, I'm not wrong. The world needs more people like you (on both sides of the political isle): someone who holds well-thought-out (if wrong) beliefs, and yet does not condemn others for holding opposing political beliefs. You talked good trash, but never hit below the belt. So unlike your creator, UB.

If you really believe that you and UB are separate individuals, then you should watch 2 movies:

1. Sybil
2. Identity

Seek mental help see4, while you're still in control and UB is dormant...
I liked See4 too, so sorry to find out I was duped. I feel so dirty now.


I get it now. Very tricky indeed. In fact, well played.

You played the "Im so fucking stupid to believe UB and see4 are the same" routine really well. As to point out that I've been pretty harsh on some members as of late.

Well played indeed.


Well-Known Member
see4 is a real person who lives in phoenix i think, definitely arizona..he has a black toyota tundra.

ive seen the pics of it in his driveway.

definitely not bucks..i know his shit and it ain't that.

see4 and i've discussed how to write the software for elections..how easy it would be..somewhat detailed..bucky doesn't have that knowledge.

hope this clears the see4/UB sock thingy.

see4 and I have discussed programming as well.

Robert McAfee is a programmer too.

see4 = buck


Well-Known Member
The only known snitch around here is you. Now are you going to tell us how much you were charging to buy the pounds ?
When you report to your PO do you have to take him/her information

"charging to buy"

Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

I'm calling your Mom now. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
"charging to buy"

Do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

I'm calling your Mom now. Good Luck.
Do you know how retarded you sound pretending to be some fat woman on the WWW.
Everyone knows who you really are. I snitching felon.
Now did you offer to buy the pounds for half price or double the price ? Where you proud when your buddy had to wear that ankle brace because of you ? Do you think your wife remained faithful the whole time you were locked up?


Well-Known Member
I would never fuck with you on that level.
When the FEDS sat next to you whilst you called your friends for the set up, were you offering to buy the pounds for half price or double the price. I would say you were offering double, to assure that they would take the bait.
Did you cry openly when they put the cuffs on you or did you just cry on the inside. I say you cried openly and then started the snitching to see if you could get less time.


Well-Known Member
I would never fuck with you on that level.
When the FEDS sat next to you whilst you called your friends for the set up, were you offering to buy the pounds for half price or double the price. I would say you were offering double, to assure that they would take the bait.
Did you cry openly when they put the cuffs on you or did you just cry on the inside. I say you cried openly and then started the snitching to see if you could get less time.

You really are retarded. Probably why you can't advance any further than laundry tech 1.


Well-Known Member
UncleBuck is a disgusting individual who admits to shitting on bathroom floors.
she's not your wife anymore, she's worm food, loser.

she never loved you anyway.
Uncletravis likes to mock dead people along with defecating in public places
he thinks its good quality trolling with extra points for shock value

This child is also worm food, he died of Sickle-cell disease
doctors forgot to carry out a routine blood test .. shame

how funny .. uncleT ?