wow this is an expensive hooker


Well-Known Member
this shit is out of control. this girl got like half a million dollars worth of stuff for her 18th birthday. her boyfriend even spent 350k out of his own pocket to buy a car for her. that is way to much id rather buy the car for myself why does she deserve any of this shit? that is insane this guy is just buying a really expensive prostitute and he has to live with her? thats even worse who wants to live with a woman they use over a roll of toilet paper a day and fuck up every bathroom in your house. she wont even be young for that long. with the 350k he could have just bought 18 year old hookers for the rest of his life, or he could have just bought bags of heroin for 10 dollars since the pleasure to cost ratio on that way outweighs cumming inside of an 18 year olds pussy for 69 hours straight. this guy clearly categorizes people wrong and needs to wake up because he is brain washed
wow money can buy anythng you can even get away with murder if you have enough
I gotta hear more about this pleasure to cost ratio
its based on how much time you are investing to how much money you make to how much pleasure you get out of it. i came up with the idea myself after listening to mac dre. for example its the reason i started seeing hookers because i can make more money selling crack instead of trying to get some girl to have sex with me. i can spend 20 minutes selling it and make enough money then get the hooker for pleasure. i cant find some girl and trick her into having sex with me within 20 minutes. most people dont know how short life really is

so what i am saying is you need to use your time the most effectively that you can because its so limited. if you make a lot of money you can get other people to do things for you that you would normally have to invest more time yourself in, so with money you can buy time and since time is so limited you can do more things in your life that a normal person by himself would not normally accomplish.
Cool bro, you're an entrepreneur, specifically a crack dealer.
i can make more money selling crack instead of trying to get some girl to have sex with me. i can spend 20 minutes selling it and make enough money then get the hooker for pleasure.
You do have some interesting ideas vro. I just have to sift through the misogyny and scumbaggery long enough to discover them.
your formative years are very important. for example i was watching this one video of these dogs that were rescued they were put in cages for their whole life. when they were 5 years old they were taken to a field and people opened the cages to let them go. instead of running around they just sat in the cage because that is what they were used to. if you shape a child at an early age to do things they will most likely do it for a long time and when they learn that it is a way of thinking that does more harm they have a harder time changing themselves at a later stage in their life than if they were to do it younger. once a certain time period of your life is over you can not go back and change yourself no matter how hard you try. life is actually shorter than what that chart actually shows, and if you were raised improperly you will spend the majority of your life changing yourself to adjust, and when you do adjust it will most likely to be late as you have missed the boat of opportunities.
first off.
i gots all the toilet paper one needs. id be perfectly fine with her staying over here wit me
you have to apply the time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio to find out if its worth it. if you decide that it is then go for it. all i am saying is that it is very important to apply this principal to every area of your life: time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio
never forget that
its based on how much time you are investing to how much money you make to how much pleasure you get out of it. i came up with the idea myself after listening to mac dre. for example its the reason i started seeing hookers because i can make more money selling crack instead of trying to get some girl to have sex with me. i can spend 20 minutes selling it and make enough money then get the hooker for pleasure. i cant find some girl and trick her into having sex with me within 20 minutes. most people dont know how short life really is

so what i am saying is you need to use your time the most effectively that you can because its so limited. if you make a lot of money you can get other people to do things for you that you would normally have to invest more time yourself in, so with money you can buy time and since time is so limited you can do more things in your life that a normal person by himself would not normally accomplish.

That's possibly one of the most coherent defenses of a position I've ever read in T&T. +rep
you have to apply the time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio to find out if its worth it. if you decide that it is then go for it. all i am saying is that it is very important to apply this principal to every area of your life: time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio
never forget that

Marginal utility of easy money = marginal utility of tainted, stupid, worthless 18 year old pussy and the fame that goes with buying Kris Jenner's latest meat-puppet. When it gets below that, kick her to the curb.

Fuck. Agreeing with vro. What has become of me?