its based on how much time you are investing to how much money you make to how much pleasure you get out of it. i came up with the idea myself after listening to mac dre. for example its the reason i started seeing hookers because i can make more money selling crack instead of trying to get some girl to have sex with me. i can spend 20 minutes selling it and make enough money then get the hooker for pleasure. i cant find some girl and trick her into having sex with me within 20 minutes. most people dont know how short life really isI gotta hear more about this pleasure to cost ratio
You do have some interesting ideas vro. I just have to sift through the misogyny and scumbaggery long enough to discover them.i can make more money selling crack instead of trying to get some girl to have sex with me. i can spend 20 minutes selling it and make enough money then get the hooker for pleasure.
you have to apply the time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio to find out if its worth it. if you decide that it is then go for it. all i am saying is that it is very important to apply this principal to every area of your life: time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratiofirst off.
i gots all the toilet paper one needs. id be perfectly fine with her staying over here wit me
Don't be all hatin just cuz they got it like that and you don't bro.
Not cool bro.
Not cool.
its based on how much time you are investing to how much money you make to how much pleasure you get out of it. i came up with the idea myself after listening to mac dre. for example its the reason i started seeing hookers because i can make more money selling crack instead of trying to get some girl to have sex with me. i can spend 20 minutes selling it and make enough money then get the hooker for pleasure. i cant find some girl and trick her into having sex with me within 20 minutes. most people dont know how short life really is
so what i am saying is you need to use your time the most effectively that you can because its so limited. if you make a lot of money you can get other people to do things for you that you would normally have to invest more time yourself in, so with money you can buy time and since time is so limited you can do more things in your life that a normal person by himself would not normally accomplish.
The real question is WHO CARES. These people have SO much money, these gifts are nothing to them. Besides, you probably need a little TLC when your dad becomes another mom...
you have to apply the time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio to find out if its worth it. if you decide that it is then go for it. all i am saying is that it is very important to apply this principal to every area of your life: time invested to cost effective to pleasure ratio
never forget that