Organic? Size pot?I grow it outdoors camo style, nice hard dense greasy nugs, great flavor and aroma...prone to mold late season in my area...great high, but gives me the munchies something fierce...I did grow it once indoors under 400hid and got 14 zips.
Only had one last time, cut a few clones so I have three this time. But they take so damn long to develope. Got 8oz off the first. Anybody grown it before?View attachment 3482025
Yes but it was a 15gal potYou got 8 zips off one plant?
Yes but it was a 15gal pot
10 is perfect. I vegged for 6 weeks, 2 weeks to root so total 8How long was the veg? When I start up again, I want to move up from 5 gal to 10 gal smart pots.
time maters but i bet its a good smoke id love to grow it outDutch Passion's "Blueberry" is one of the best Blueberry does take longer than 8 weeks - like 10-12 weeks of flower. but worth it !!!!! and why many people don't grow it -takes to long
The indoor grow was in 15gl fabric pots, not organic that time...but i'm organic now and grow outside in amended soil with my own home made compostOrganic? Size pot?