Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about camping out in the laundry room with a shotgun and shooting the fuck out of them with some 3" magnum 00 buckshot, maybe a few chaulk outlines around that mother fucker will calm them the fuck down.
Sounds like the place is full of white people. Fuckin crackers


Well-Known Member
There's nothing. It took me forever to find this job, I was working 3 jobs before I found this one and I don't want to go back to doing that shit again. I'm just fed up with this place, it'd be an ok job if the place wasn't filled with hoodlums who constantly fucked shit up on a daily basis.

I'm not even doing my job anymore, I'm just fixing vandalism.
You should document every bit of vandalism and your subsequent repair with photos and make a notebook. Also, don't bitch to the bosses, if you become a pain in the ass, they'll fire you. At some point they'll call you in for a job review and that's when you whip out the evolving notebook.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
You should document every bit of vandalism and your subsequent repair with photos and make a notebook. Also, don't bitch to the bosses, if you become a pain in the ass, they'll fire you. At some point they'll call you in for a job review and that's when you whip out the evolving notebook.
All damage is documented and sent to the head office. You have to do so much to get fired by these people it's insane. The last groundskeeper didn't call or show up for work for 4 days in a row and used to come into work as much as an hour late everyday and he lived on property. He would barely do any work or none at all when he did show up. They wouldn't fire him, and we are 99% sure he stole over $1k of equipment from the tool shed too. He didn't pass a piss test though, so he's no longer employed with us.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
That's cool that you and UncleBuck love cock. Not many men on this site are into it. Not my thing, but you guys are paving the way for future young homosexuals. Bravo. Seriously.
Actually I think I'm technically bi. I was just showing buck the "America's sweetheart" I was talking about. I don't think he's in to trans girls but I know he loves cock.


Well-Known Member
Actually I think I'm technically bi. I was just showing buck the "America's sweetheart" I was talking about. I don't think he's in to trans girls but I know he loves cock.
Hah, that's cool. I've seen him post about that dude before so I assume he's gay or bisexual like yourself. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
I was killing myself for this place, I've got over a month of unpaid overtime racked up. I've worked through lunches, stayed late and worked on my days off, why? I fix up an apartment to look like new that looked like it should have been condemned before, only for somebody to move in and punch holes in all the walls and cut and burn brand new carpet, break windows and doors and all the kitchen cabinets in just a few weeks.

The office, laundry room or the tool shed gets broken into or vadalised almost every weekend. They need to evict everyone, gut the buildings for anything of value, bulldoze the place to the ground and sell the land to the highest bidder. I have no idea how this property even turns a profit.
For fucks sake wiz man, these folks know not who they fuck with now do they!?? I sincerely hope you can figure this out man, what a fucken shame. Im sorry dude.